Where do you turn for cheating husband advice after discovering your husband has been cheating? Do you turn to people you know? How about perfect strangers? Do you consult a psychic? Each of these options presents certain strengths and weaknesses that might make them all an equally bad choice.

Become Your Own Best Friend

The best way to go at a time like this is to dig deep within yourself and figure out what you want the next move to be. You know, better than anyone else, what you want, how much you love him, and if you're ready (or even willing) to move on without him.

Now is the time to play the role of your own best friend and play it well. Step outside the emotion of the situation and look at the entire situation with the critical eye of a best friend who truly wants you to be happy. What advice would you give knowing how you feel about your husband, how much history there is between the two of you, and how large of a betrayal you personally find his cheating to be.

Why Others are Not Good Sources for Help

Why is it that you need to be the one who answers this and no one else? First of all, because you are the one who must deal with the fallout and consequences of your decision – not your friends, family members, perfect strangers, or your psychic advisor.

But wait, there's more. No matter what you decide about forgiving or not forgiving your husband for cheating on you, it isn't as easy for the people who love you to extend the same forgiveness. If you bring them into the picture they will know how much you were hurt by his cheating and they may not be able to forgive him – even if you are able to.

Figure out the Pros and Cons

It's also important to keep in mind the practicalities of divorce or even separation. You have built a life together. Your lives are intertwined to a great degree. You have bills, expenses, and financial obligations together. You also may have children together (who will all be impacted by the decision you make either way).

It's time to write down a list of the reasons for staying vs. the reasons for leaving and decide which column carries the greater weight. Remember that it isn't all a number's game. Some things in life really do matter more than others.