Overcoming Allergies By Purifying Your Air

We are exposed daily to contaminants such as bacteria, pet dander and mold that can possible lead to serious health problems. These contaminants are present even though we cannot see them. A BlueAir air purifier is one way to solve this issue. Many solutions to this problem are on the market and may be a smart purchase for individuals to consider.

A residential air cleaner is designed for the home and provides air filtration and purification. You may consider a pre-filter which removes large airborne contaminants. While these particles would be filtered by the air cleaner, the pre filter will help to extend the life of your purifier by handling the larger particles.

If you need extra filtration then consider a HEPA, or surgical grade air filtration system. This would ensure maximum filtration of your home. This is especially popular among families where asthma and allergies are really bad.

There are also granular activated carbon air cleaners that basically remove gases and vapors. Ultra Violet technology in air cleaners provides for killing of bacteria and viruses. Ultra Violet can destroy cells and spores. If you have a mold problem, this would be a good choice.

Another idea is to use an electrostatic precipitator to re-circulate the air. These systems are considered high efficiency because of their open cell design. They are more energy efficient when compared to most air cleaning systems.

Some systems are designed for a particular problem. If mold exists, it is best to consider a system with UV light which kills airborne mold particles. If there is a smoker in the home, an air purifier unit which is designed to remove the particles is necessary for the health of the resident’s lungs and heart and to remove the odor. There are various purifiers that are designed to remove pet odor and dander, dust, miscellaneous odor and viruses.  People who have been unfortunate and their home was struck by wildfire or was in a flood have several options of purifiers that will clean the air in their home.

Some of the popular Heating and Air Conditioning providers sell whole house clean air systems. These systems are beneficial to the homeowner in that they let air flow freely through advanced filtration systems. They also have low operating costs and there are no replacement filters to buy. Of course, these require a larger up front investment from the consumer, but pay for themselves over the years.

Whatever the reason, an air purifier designed to fit the need and budget can only benefit the residents and keep them healthy.