Allergy: Symptoms Of Gluten Allergy

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder. Once believed to be a rare disease that affects only children, now known to be more common, affecting about two million Americans alone. It is a genetic disease and those with a close relative with an allergy to gluten have a higher risk of the same. For some people the disease is dormant until triggered by an event such as pregnancy, childbirth, surgery or extreme stress.

In short, individuals with this disease have an intolerance to gluten. If exposed to gluten, which triggers an allergic reaction in which the body attacks itself, sometimes the damage and destruction of the villi of the small intestine that line.

Symptoms of gluten allergy are very similar to those experienced with allergies to other foods, but can vary widely among individuals. Digestive problems are common with celiac disease, especially in infants and children. You can include abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, constipation, chronic diarrhea or pale, greasy or foul smelling. Weight loss and acne " types of acne " is common in children as a result of these symptoms. Gluten intolerance can also lead to defects in growth and development.

In adults, symptoms may be more varied. Many of the symptoms can be attributed to other conditions, so it can not be diagnosed immediately. Symptoms may include bone and joint pain, arthritis, anemia, unexplained iron deficient, fatigue, loss of bone mass or osteoporosis, seizures, tingling or numbness in the limbs, mouth ulcers " natural teeth whitening " or herpetaformis dermatitis, an itchy rash. Women may also experience reproductive problems such as menstrual periods, miscarriages or infertility.

If left untreated gluten intolerance can cause more severe symptoms. Because the body's response to a gluten allergy is to attack the villi of the small intestine, the body has a decreased ability to absorb nutrients from food. This can lead to malnutrition. Liver disease or gastrointestinal cancer may also result.

Many people with celiac disease have other conditions in which the body attacks itself. These may include type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, autoimmune liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Addison's disease or Sjogren's syndrome. These conditions may bring additional symptoms.

The symptoms of these conditions may include frequent urination, vision problems, or problems, slow healing time, loss or weight gain, jaundice, joint stiffness, muscle weakness or fatigue, irritability or increased incidence of infection. Many of these conditions have symptoms similar to gluten intolerance, which may mask underlying allergy to gluten.

Due to the various symptoms associated with celiac disease and the likelihood of more serious conditions are also present, you should talk to your physician if you experience these symptoms regularly. A food diary may be useful in diagnosing the disease if gluten can be linked with symptoms. Note that the gluten, as commonly found in foods are also sometimes in places that can not wait, including vitamins, medicines and lip balm.

To confirm the diagnosis of gluten allergy, the doctor may perform blood tests or intestinal biopsy. Blood tests for antibodies specific elevated in patients with gluten intolerance. If blood tests indicate celiac disease, biopsy is usually done to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor may remove small pieces in the small intestine to look for damage villi.