Games to Play at Wedding Receptions - Some Entertaining Wedding Shower Activities

There are so many forms of entertainment that you can come up with when organizing a nuptial shower. While some of such games may sound childish, others will look mature. But you should not be worried about this because your final aim should be providing the guests with some entertainment.

You can organize a game which will include either the spouses-to-be to have some additional understanding of each other. Before the shower, you can meet the groom and come up with as many questions as possible which will have to do with some personal aspects in his life. At the shower, you can bring to the bride to the lime light be letting her give answers to these questions. Just observe the responses and see the number of correct response. You should be sure that most of the responses are going to be accurate. At the end of the exercise, make sure a prize is allocated to her.

A very fashionable game is to devise a game which will involve making dresses using toilet papers. You are going to create teams of between two to five members. Each team is going to make use of these materials to design a wedding outfit. Some costume and jewelries will be used to adorn the dresses. Also remember that there should be a time limit for making these dresses. In most cases, five minutes should be enough. As soon as the teams are through with what they have designed, the bride will have to determine which of the dresses is best. A prize should also be given to the team that came up with the best designing.

One additional amusing activity is something that will involve the bride to dress up under the cover of darkness or with her vision totally impaired. You can let her have the impression that she is on one of her most respected occasions with the groom and there is no light. Compel her to dress up from an assortment of outfits that will also be selected in the dark. Give her a time limit to put up her dress. To make the game more interesting, add some funny items to the set of outfits. At the end of this game, you can take some pictures of her as she comes out of the dark. Keep in mind that this is more than instant fun to actually having some memorable pictures.

You can further decide to bring up something extra which will concentrate more on the guests than the bride. There is a game in which almost all the purses of the guests will be positioned at the center of the room. An inventory of things which can commonly be found in the purses should be catalogued. This should be done the same with items which cannot easily be found in the purses. For items which seem rare, they should be ranked higher than what can be usually found in the purses. Start scanning through all the purses and see which of the purse registers the highest number of points. The person with this purse should also be given a trophy.

There are so many other activities that can be done at the bridal shower. You can go in for a bingo game or another form of game. A very popular activity that originated from bachelorette parties is one in which a stripper is used. Before the part and just about half an hour, pieces of papers should be given to the interested guests who will put down anything they notice about the bride's dressing. In fact, include a listing of everything concerning her appearance. This should be done when she is out of the room. She will then be brought into the room and the guest who has the most perfect observations is given a prize.