Married and Cheating: the Thrill of it All

In 1977 Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to successfully scale Mt Everest, had this to say about climbing, "I've always hated the danger part of climbing, and it’s great to come down again because it’s safe." He continued, "It’s the intense effort, the giving of everything you've got. It’s really a very pleasant sensation." Many a cheating spouse would agree with Sir Edmund on the intense effort and the giving of everything they've got. As for being of the same mindset when it comes to hating the danger? Probably not.

Whether it's inherent or an acquired taste, there seems to something in our DNA that excites us when it comes to danger. It's not that you necessarily want to cross the line into out and out recklessness but to be at risk in certain circumstances can be a rush.  That includes carrying on an extramarital affair. Sure they should be sharing all this excitement with their significant other. Instead having a spouse serves as the perfect springboard for them to jump headfirst into the deep end of the infidelity pool.  They have no ideal whether they will sink to the bottom or break to the surface like a dolphin on caffeine but one thing is for sure. They are going to enjoy the moment.

For a number of cheating spouses it comes down to:

1. The Thrill of the Chase

Your spouse just met someone new and wow are they attractive. Did I say attractive? I meant a hottie. No matter how you classify it, they've got your spouse's hormones on high alert. To add to it, the other person feels the vibes your significant other is sending out and decides that if they want this thoroughbred they are going to have to do a couple of laps around the old track. To a cheating spouse that only means one thing. Post Time!

2. The Thrill of the Forbidden

When we were a lot younger, how many times were we told by our parents, "don't do this or touch that." It was a warning that not only served to protect us from harm but also as a clear signal not to test their authority. Yet as kids we tempt fate anyway. Some of us don't grow out it. A cheating spouse knows the harm it will do to the relationship. Everything they have worked for can be wiped out. So why do it? Because for many people the old saying, "Forbidden fruit is the sweetest" is a code to live by.

3. The Thrill of the Sneak

For others, carrying on an extramarital affair is the ultimate game of hide and seek. The meeting of someone new, the coordinating of schedules to make the rendezvous possible, keeping track of their spouse's activities and whereabouts and maybe almost getting caught but due to their fast thinking and luck were able to avert any suspicions. They enjoy the process of setting up the extramarital affair more than the actual affair.

A certain amount of danger tickles something in our beings. Putting ourselves in harms way at times can make us feel more alive. That however should not extend into an extramarital relationship. Instead the thrill a cheating spouse seeks puts everyone in jeopardy; particularly their significant other. Best to avoid this at all cost and save all of that thrill and excitement exclusively for the marriage.