Eczema Triggers And Natural Eczema Remedies

Eczema is a condition that can affect us at any time in our lives. It is believed to have a genetic component and is exacerbated by the skins reaction to allergens it is in contact with. These allergens are manifold and can only be identified by trial and error. Skin patch tests are an example.

What is often forgotten is that mental as well as physical stimuli can cause a flare up of the condition. Stress is probably responsible for more of these flare ups than is appreciated. We don't need to be at work to be stressed, we can do it ourselves by something as simple as worrying about how we perceive ourselves in the eyes of others. Eczema can be unsightly and this may cause us embarrassment. When this happens our stress levels can rise and this just makes the condition worse.

So what can we do? Stress does not only affect Eczema sufferers, it affects everyone to some degree, and has been known to kill. Whether we are an Eczema sufferer or not, we should avoid situations where we are unnecessarily subjected to stress. Some people seem to thrive on it, but most of us don't. If our job is too stressful we should think about changing it, as an example. Stress can be treated by drugs, but they may cause your eczema to flare up because of the drugs ingredients. Although it sounds like an impossible situation, it isn't. There is a lot that we can do.

If we can reduce the level of Eczema using our own resources, it follows that stress levels will fall and we can continue to improve. This is not as difficult (in most cases) as you may believe. Natural eczema remedies understand the connection between eczema, the environment and particularly diet. Although we are all different, it has been well documented that chemicals in the environment can trigger eczema flare ups. Some are affected more than others. Why should food be any different? Modern processed foods may be convenient but it can't be denied that contain preservatives, many of which have a chemical base.

There is nothing we can do about the genes that we are born with, but there is much that we can do about eczema triggers. Some natural foods adversely affect eczema and you need to be aware of them so that they can be avoided. This one step will help reduce your eczema levels and in doing so will reduce your stress levels. Once these foods have been withdrawn and your eczema has improved, they can be reintroduced one at a time to see which ones you react to. If there is going to be a reaction it will normally be apparent within twenty four hours.

By going through this process it is possible for you to reduce your reliance on chemical creams and lotions, though it is still very important to keep your skin well hydrated. The safest moisturisers are generally the natural ones that don't thin the skin.