Marriage and Sex Problems: Is It Really Worth Trying To Fix?

Marriage and sex problems are often closely intertwined. Every person has his or her own physical, emotional, and strength limitations and these are, knowingly or not, brought into a marriage. These limitations are sometimes caused by each partner's upbringing and moral development. His or her surroundings, self-image, fears, and maturity are also factors brought into a marriage. Sometimes, these views can color the marriage and cause problems.

Sexual problems in marriage should never be waived off or made fun of. Your spouse may be self-conscious of the issue already, and pouring salt in the wound will not help resolve the problem. Instead, married couples need to work together to create solutions and, if necessary, accept reality.

In reality, a good sex life is an important part of keeping the spark burning. But the benefits are not just restricted to the marriage. Health experts contend that a good sex life can make people feel good about themselves and can actually improve one's overall health.

However, some people who experience sex problems like erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, loss of desire due to a temporary condition (such as illness or pregnancy), inability to achieve orgasm, etc., find "the spark" extremely difficult to maintain their marriage.

Sex itself should never be an issue in marriage and having a good sexual relationship is advantageous to married couples. However, there are physical and other issues that can get in the way. Having sex problems is definitely something to talk about and should be resolved quickly.

Today, there are many solutions available for most of the common sexual problems. This is definitely good news since health experts contend that sexual activity is 25%-30% better and more fulfilling for married couples than for singles.

However, if you are having problems, you may want to seek professional help. In the United Kingdom alone, the largest provider of sexual therapy is currently receiving 5,000 new patients each year having sexual problems.

Furthermore, statistics show that most people who attend some kind of sexual therapy can actually improve their marriage as well as their health. Almost 93% of those who have undergone sexual therapy have significantly improved their married life.

Most marriage experts agree that healthy sexual activity can help mend a marriage that is nearing divorce. However, not all sexual problems can be resolved. It is important for every married couple to fully understand their partner's emotional and physical limitations.

If there are no remedies available to a partner's sexual problems, the spouse should accept that reality and not hold it against his or her partner. If love can remain the center of the relationship, sexual problems should not be a barrier to a lasting marriage.