"My husband doesn't want to work on our marriage ." That's indeed one very sad statement. When your spouse essentially gives up on your relationship and you still very much want to make it work, you're definitely at a crossroads. You have a decision to make. Do you relent and simply let go of your dream of a fulfilling future with the man you love or do you fight to keep your family together? If you're not ready to walk away from your marriage, there are some very effective ways to get your husband to reconsider ending the relationship.

One reason why some men give up on their marriage is they've basically given up on themselves. When a man reaches a specific point in his life and realizes he hasn't yet accomplished everything he wanted to, he'll feel he's let himself down. He'll withdraw into himself and little will matter to him anymore. His physical appearance will slide and his work will suffer. Working on the marriage becomes more of a chore than anything so he simply won't do it.

Another common reason why your husband may not want to work on your marriage is he just doesn't want to deal with the conflict that arises anymore. In many instances when a couple discusses the issues at hand in their relationship there are disagreements. They argue and because most couples struggle with communicating about their feelings, there are hurtful things said. If you notice him avoiding all talk about what's happening between the two of you, this could very well be a contributing factor.

If you believe that your husband still has feelings for you , it's certainly worth it to try and work on the relationship. You can start by focusing on improving communication between the two of you. Talk to him calmly about things other than your relationship. This will help him to let his guard down and feel closer to you. In time, he'll begin to open up about what he's feeling.

You also need to ensure that your husband knows how much you value and adore him each and every day. We often neglect our spouse when life gets busy and they may start to feel taken for granted. If you make certain that your husband knows how deeply you love him and need him, it will in turn help him feel more valued as a man. This can definitely help when you want to draw him closer to you again.