Wedding Reception Games - Some Actions That Can Be Done at the Buffet Table

It is very common to find a buffet-like reception at most wedding parties. This is a type of reception in which the foods is served at the center or at an appropriate place and the entire guest proceeds in a line to take what interest them. This will mean that a long line of guest will have to trail while waiting for those at the table to make a decision.

Some of the guests will not find it comfortable standing and waiting. For this reason, you should come up with anything amusing that will keep the guest busy while waiting for their turn. Remember that this will immediately elude the idea of hunger in their minds. Below are some amusements that you can opt for:

Begin with a game that involves a sequence of numbering each table. This will be done either by the MC or the DJ. As soon as every table has been allocated a number, a series of interrogations are made. In most cases, it is common to hide the wedding buffet at the flower jar on a table. The table that discovers this in its flower will be given the honor to go to the table first. The game may take so many forms of questioning and answering.

If you think the numbering of tables is going to upset the bride and even some of the guest, you can place the numbers beneath the flower pots. Remember that some people consider the numbering of tables to be something akin to what is done at formal gatherings. The numbering should be carefully done by a florist. Something additional can be added to the flowers and the guests will have to discover this for themselves.

If you think of something different from the numbering of tables, you may come up with a scheme of adding an extra color to the tables. The MC may announce that a particular table with a particular color should have the privilege of going first to the table. If you find that adding of colors is something you may not like, you can decide to use tablecloths of different colors and as soon as each particular table cover is identified by the MC to go to the table first, the process becomes very easy.

An additional choice to make the process of going to the table simple is to come up with something that will thrill your guests. Something in the form of a signal should be used. It should just be something simple that can be used to make an indication. Something about the newly wedded couples may be demanded. Each table that thinks it can give a positive response is going to indicate this with the signal. If the response is right, that table is given the chance to proceed to the table. The interrogations continue until all the tables move to the buffet table.

What is very special about the above amusement is that it does not only leave the guest busy. It also enables them to have a better understanding of who the bride and the groom and even the guests are. Remember that always keeping the guests starving while looking at others or standing quietly on long lines is something boring, not only to the guests, but equally boring to you.

One additional game is a type of activity that will not include the whole table. You can decide to number each guest or half of the guest. The numbering will be done in a haphazard manner. Each number or a range of numbers will be called and those with the numbers from different angles of the hall will move to the table. This may not be appealing to most of the guests. But be sure that it is a way of including all the guests to partake at the meal. Always avoid a scenario where a section of the hall will be through with its meal while another section is still moving to the table.