7 Undeniable Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend

Do you know he’s cheating on you, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what makes you suspicious? Here are the things that will give a cheating boyfriend away every single time:

His clothes smell unusual or have unexplained stains. Maybe he doesn’t drink, but he comes home with the smell of liquor on his pants. He’s not a smoker, but he comes home with his shirt smelling like a pack of cigarettes. He’s been out somewhere, and definitely with someone else.

He brings you gifts for no reason at all. The guilt a cheater feels can be enormous, and they will try to make themselves feel better by doing something nice for you.

His friends are avoiding you. They used to call to speak with him and spent a few minutes shooting the breeze with you – but now they don’t call at all. If you see them out in public, they quickly excuse themselves or stick to very neutral discussions. Most of all, they can’t look you in the eye.

Your boyfriend doesn’t want sex anymore. Maybe he’s too tired, or he complains of his back aching, or he says he has too much on his mind. If you’ve had a great sex life but suddenly things are tapering off to nearly nothing, there might be a very bad reason.

He comes home late from work, but he’s not hungry for dinner. If he stayed at the office the whole time, working hard, wouldn’t he be starving for something good to eat when he walks through your door? If he ate dinner with someone else, he might not be able to enjoy what you’ve cooked for him.

Your man picks fights over little things, then gives you the silent treatment when you dare to fight back? Picking fights with you is a good way to give him some emotional distance, and gives him a reason not to talk to you for the rest of the evening. This lets him avoid any discussion that might get sticky, or any questions that would require him to lie.

He starts wearing a new cologne, one you’ve never smelled before. You didn’t give it to him! Why the sudden change in his preferences? That cologne might have been given to him by someone else, and he might be trying to impress her – or hold onto a memory of her – every time he puts it on.

Your cheating boyfriend will leave a trail of small signs. When the time comes to confront him about his cheating ways, you need to have the upper hand. What other signs give away a cheating boyfriend?