Men, in order for you to enjoy intimacy more often with your wife, there are some things she needs you to do differently… When you come home at the end of your work day, your wife needs you to have a genuine attitude that lets her know she’s the person you’ve wanted to be with all day…that you’re excited to see her…that you’re anxious to spend time with her. I can assure you, a dull husband who puts off a vibe that home is a dull place he goes to at the end of a dull day with dull people does NOTHING to sexually stimulate his wife! So, when you get home, make REAL eye contact with your wife. Give her a warm, sincere greeting. And then, spend some time with her. As before, I can assure you, no wife gets turned on sexually by a husband who blows in the door, grunts at her as he passes by, and then ignores her the rest of the evening in favor of more work or the TV. On the subject of TV… Would it seem to an observer that you’re “more” married to your TV than your wife? The thought that goes through many women’s head as they say “No!” to their husband’s sexual advances is, “Go “hump” the TV – that’s “who” you’ve spent all evening with!” As simple as it may seem, many marriages would improve IMMEDIATELY if the husband would just turn off the TV and start interacting with his wife. Men, being dull and boring doesn’t work when it comes to turning on a woman sexually. The fact that men tend to be OUTCOME oriented means that they naturally tend to be PROCESS oriented…they want to know what process they need to follow in order to get a certain outcome. And in the realm of intimacy, a woman – who’s focused on the relationship side of things – finds such an outcome and process oriented man… …DULL, STERILE, and a TURN-OFF! Now, the not-so-funny thing is, when I tell this to men, many of them just dismiss what I’m telling them as if what I’m saying doesn’t apply to them. They just flat don’t “get it” – and that’s why they don’t “get sex” very often! So, let me give you an example of how a man’s natural process orientation gets between him and the intimacy he wants… During the first year – give or take a little – a man spends quite a bit of time trying to learn what physical techniques his wife likes. (As an aside, the fact that the man is paying so much attention to his wife is a major reason why the first year of marriage is usually the best – and subsequent years aren’t as pleasant.) Once the man learns which physical things his wife likes – he’ll turn the whole thing into a scientific process. From then on – at least until something major happens like a divorce or his wife cheating on him – the man will “apply” the exact same process to every lovemaking session he has with his wife. And so, after a few years, it starts to look something like this… 1. On Saturday night To the woman, it becomes a STALE, REPULSIVE ROUTINE where she can reliably predict exactly what’s going to happen…she can reliably count on her husband starting "on her cold" at the same time to being "finished with himself" at the same time…like clockwork… Copyright 2008, Article by Calle Zorro of Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to the following websites is included with it. |