Top 5 Reasons Why Relationships Fail

Why Relationships Fail

Most problems in a relationship don't just happen overnight. So why do relationships fail? Sometimes we pick the wrong person to be with and then we try to make it work.  Sure at the beginning things were going pretty good, but at some point one of you realized that this person I am with is not right for me.  There are many reasons why this happens and many times it is because you build your relationship on the wrong foundation.

Relationship Based On Sex Only  A relationship build on a weak foundation will crumble sooner or later. A relationship that is set on sex and sex only will surely fail in the long run. Yea it's fun at first but what do you do when you are not getting intimate? Sure you can go out and hang out with your friends, but what happens when the two of you are alone and you realize that you really don't have much to talk about. That is also the time when one if not both of you will start to see things that you never paid attention too when you were just in it for the sex.   Opposites Attract  That old saying opposites attract is true in many ways.  We tend to want to be with someone that has similar interest to ours, but we also want someone that interest different from ours.

If you are with someone that likes all the same things you do and they like to do all the same things you do, that will get old eventually.  Sure you need some things in common, but you also want someone that is a little different.  If you are the outgoing type and you are with a homebody, every now and then you need to stay home.  The key is to find ways to play on each other's strengths and accept or change weaknesses. Relationships are also about compromising and if you are not willing to compromise your relationship will fail.

Short On Cash  A relationship that centers on money will also fail. Money and the lack of money can cause people to do some strange things. If one person in the relationship has lots of money this will cause problems later on down the road.  The person with all the money will want to call all the shots.  At first they are more than willing to spend money, but as the relationship mature that person become more assertive and more demanding.  The flip side of this is when both parties don't have enough money to do the things they want to do.  Unless you plan to live in a rock, you will need money to survive.  It's hard to do anything without money.  The key is to learn how to control the money and don't let money ruin you and your partner.  I Hate Cheaters  When someone cheats, let me rephrase that, when someone gets caught cheating everything changes.  People cheat all the time, but it's when they get caught all the problems start.

Cheating hurts in so many ways, and one reason is that the person that was cheated on feels like they have been wronged. Another reason cheating is so bad is because you lose trust. Trust is hard to get, but even harder to maintain. Once you feel like you can't trust a person, it's hard to believe anything they tell you from that point forward. Most people will never admit this but the person that was cheated on will always think, I could have done the same thing but I didn't.    Hanging With My Friends  This is another area that causes many relationships to break up.  You shouldn't have to give up your friends just because you are now in a relationship, but you do need to readjust your priorities.

A relationship is all about commitment, and if you commit yourself to another person they become prior one. The problem is your friends want you to spend more time with them than you spend with your partner.  Also, it never fails but there is always that one so call friend that constantly bugs you about spending so much time with your partner and no time with them.  It usually that one friend that either don't' have anyone or they can never keep anyone.  Misery loves company.  You really have to consider the source when you get advice from friends.  Your friends can cause you to spend many nights alone.

There you have it some of my reasons why many relationships fail.