Asking for His Daughters Hand

Asking For His Daughters Hand
So you have decided that you and youre better half are going to take the next step and tie the knot, not until you ask her Dad for permission. This is one of the most important things you do not want to skip over. He will respect you if you do, and have a hard time forgiving if you do not. Moving into this important step, here are some things you can do to prepare for this important conversation.
Carefully choose the time when you plan to ask him for his daughters hand. Asking when you are in a group of people; especially family members, is probably not the most effective route to take. Plan to ask him in a candid conversation where he can feel comfortable enough to ask you questions. After all, he has spent a large part of his life raising her in preparation for this part of her life.
Have a plan. He wants a better life for her than he has been able to provide, and a lot of that responsibility will be in your hands. This doesnt necessarily mean a house on the hill and a white picket fence, but that she needs to be happy and that will be your job. This means treating her kindly, respecting her, and most importantly respecting the trust she has for you. Be prepared to answer questions because he will have a lot for you. For example, what is your plan and how are you going to get there? What are your goals, and how do you plan to achieve those?
Be confident, remember you wouldnt be in this situation if she didnt feel the way you feel about her. She adores you and this should be enough to get you through this conversation. He knows how much you mean to her and he has every intention of keep her happiness in mind. You play a huge part in that.
Most importantly, be honest. He will ask you a lot of questions, all of which are important to him. He is putting a lot of trust in you by allowing you to marry his daughter, so it is vital for you to give him the respect he deserves by answering with an open heart and your highest level of honesty. You have faults, everyone does, but the beauty of love is that it allows individuals to look around those in hope that you have every intention of improving those areas of your life. Your fianc?ees your potential, and with your honesty, he will see that as well.
If all goes well, he will put out his hand and welcome you to his family. You will have the opportunity to pursue the happiest part of your life hand in hand with your sweet wife. Remember this conversation and do your best to do exactly what you told him you would do and honor your word.