Marriage Problems? Three Signs Your Marriage May be in Trouble

The fact is all marriages, even very good marriages, have problems from time to time. Differences in personality will always mean differences in ideas and opinions. In a healthy strong relationship, problems are worked through and resolved. In a marriage that is struggling, even minor upsets can create major problems. Lets look at three areas that can signal bigger problems.

Lack of communication is a huge issue. It may be that communication is practically non-existent or that your communication skills are lacking. Either way, it spells trouble.

If your conversations rarely consist of anything more than the small talk you make with people you barely know, your communication is lacking. When was the last time you sat down and asked your spouse how they felt about any issue that was on your mind, and really listened to what they had to say?

If you seem to rehash the same issues over and over again, and never seem to find a solution, your communication skills could use some work.

One reason communication may be lacking, is not spending time alone together, which is the second sign of trouble in a marriage. Time alone together may also help the communication problems, because it is really hard to have a real meaningful conversation, if you never spend time together.

Talking to each other is such an important part of the marriage relationship. Many, many other problems can be directly linked back to lack of conversation.

Lack of physical intimacy is the third problem that is a sign of major trouble. Physical intimacy is the one thing that sets a marriage relationship apart from other relationships. Without, intimacy a marriage will suffer.

Most people equate physical intimacy with sex, but physical intimacy involves more than just the sex act. Any form of touching, cuddling, or caressing your spouse is a form of physical intimacy. If either of you, or both of you are avoiding physical intimacy, there is serious trouble in your marriage.

Lack of communication, time together, and physical intimacy are just signs of marriage problems. But, even if these signs exist in your marriage, there is hope to get your marriage back on track.