My Husband Doesn't Appreciate Me - Ways to Get Him to Love You More"I feel that my husband doesn't appreciate me anymore," is a phrase that unfortunately many women say each day. Marriage isn't always an easy road to travel and over time we can start to feel that our spouse is taking us for granted. If you feel that your husband just doesn't value or cherish you the way he used to, don't give up hope. You have it within your control to transform the dynamic between you and your husband so you can get back to a place where you feel he really treasures you. Back when I first realized that my husband doesn't appreciate me I felt inclined to blame what I was feeling, on him. It's very easy to get to a place emotionally where you start to resent your spouse. This isn't productive and isn't going to help you solve the problems of what you're feeling. Instead, you need to take action. Often, a man responds to cues that are given off by his wife. If you haven't been showing your man how much you appreciate him, he may not do the same to you. Starting today make a point of telling him how lucky you feel to be married to him. If you make the effort to ensure he feels appreciated, he'll likely make the attempt as well. You should also make some time for you and your husband to spend alone. This is one thing that many couples sacrifice once children arrive or their careers blossom. They may push their time together to the backburner and inevitably the relationship is going to suffer the consequences of that. Even if it's just a walk each night together holding hands or a special dinner out every couple of weeks, make a point to always stay connected as a couple. You want your husband to see that you embrace your relationship with him. Once he feels that he'll definitely start appreciating the effort you are making and you even more. |