Got Allergies? 5 Practical Cures

Allergies arise when you come in contact with a foreign substance that sets off a reaction from your body. Inhalant allergies, which we experience when we breathe in irritants, cause your nose to get congested. You’ll start to sneeze. Your eyes may also get itchy and you can develop a cough.

The four most common airborne allergens are dust, pollen, pet dander (dead skin cells shed by animals) and mold. If your home is clean, there are fewer chances of you encountering these substances. But since your home isn’t hermetically sealed and you go to many places, there are times when these substances find their way to you. If you’re allergic to any of them, then you’re in trouble.

To help you fight your allergies, here are some of the practical moves you can make to deal with them:

1. See your doctor.
This would be the most logical move to make -- but so many people put off going to the doctor unless the ailment is “serious.” However, if you don’t want to suffer anymore, take note of your symptoms and record all the details about your allergic reaction. Share all the useful information to your doctor to help him or her determine the cause of your allergic reactions. He or she will then prescribe you with the necessary antihistamines. Make sure that you always have a ready supply of the prescribed medication.

2. Invest in air conditioners.
This will help alleviate pollen, mold and dust. Air conditioners keep the humidity level low, which prevents the development of molds, the accumulation of dust and the transfer of pollen. You should also make sure that your car’s air conditioning is working well.

3. Wear a face mask.
To prevent allergic attacks, make sure that you wear a face mask whenever you’re doing anything that will expose you to allergens. It’s advisable for you to wear it when you’re doing chores or when you’re going to be outdoors for hours.

4. Disinfect dark and damp areas.
Make sure that ever corner of your home is clean. Pay attention to inaccessible corners and areas where moisture easily develops such as the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry area. Your garage and your basement should also be kept uncluttered and clean. If you have carpets, you should replace them with throw rugs, which are easier to clean.

5. Isolate your pets.
If you can’t stay away from your pets, make sure that they’re restricted to certain areas of your house. They should not be allowed to wander around everywhere so that you can easily seek refuge in the uncontaminated areas each time you feel your allergies acting up.