Answers to How to Do Meditation - 3 Easy Meditation Methods Anyone Can Use

Meditation is getting mentioned more and more nowadays. It's a great way to relax and unwind without having to resort to artificial help. But short of buying a meditation book, where else can you find information on how to do meditation?

The good news is that there are several easy ways to start meditating that you can do right now:

1. Walking meditation

With this method, you focus on your walking. Pay attention to what is happening as you walk. Notice how the ground feels beneath your feet. Feel the gentle breeze created by the air as it flows past your face and hands. Pay attention to the way your clothes move as you walk. See how your arms and legs and the rest of your body feel as you walk along.

2. Breathing meditation

This is another easy way to meditate. As you've probably guessed, this method concentrates on your breathing. Because everyone breathes, it's possible to do this meditation literally anywhere and not feel self conscious as you're doing it. Usually you'll take longer than normal breaths in, maybe hold your breath for a second or two and then slowly exhale. Some people visualize all their stress and tension flowing out of their body when they breathe out but you don't need to "see" this happen, simply getting a sense of it happening is normally enough.

3. Music meditation

We all have some music tracks that we find relaxing. Teenagers relax to the sound of heavy metal or drum'n'bass music but most of the rest of us find that more stressful than a method of relaxation. But you've almost certainly got a track or two that almost always relaxes you. Put it on your favorite player and allow the music to envelop you. Pay attention to the sounds as they come out of your headphones or speakers. Notice how the different instruments sound and contribute to the overall "feel" of the track. Allow yourself to fully participate in the experience in much the same way as you allow yourself to get fully involved with an enjoyable movie.

These are just three of the simple methods of meditation that you can use in your daily life. There are plenty of other ways to practice meditation - you may find a local class or you could use one of the many resources on the internet. Whichever method you choose, make meditating part of your daily routine and you'll find that you become a calmer, more relaxed person.