How to Develop Esp Extra Sensory Perception

Everyone has extra-sensory perception. However, most need ESP help to realize his or her potential. You can use self-hypnosis as a guide to support your efforts in developing your natural gift to its fullest potential. This approach is effective for meditation self help and chakra meditation exercises.

Inner Extra Sensory Perception

You already have the ability to sense beyond your five senses. You may have experienced prophetic dreams or has a feeling that something significant was about to happen. Telepathic abilities are deep within the subconscious mind and you can tap into this resource through hypnosis.

It is natural to block out overwhelming sensations and experiences and this applies to your extra sensory perception as well. You can delve into your subconscious mind to peel away the apprehension and self-doubt that keeps you unaware of your abilities. Your new perspective is one that has the capacity to unveil your natural telepathic abilities.


Many people fail to realize that the individual self is an illusion. People are interconnected in experience and consciousness on some level. This is the realm where phenomena like the collective unconscious develop. Individuals are not really individuals; they share experience and insight but are unable to recognize this in the conscious mind.

When you delve into ESP help through hypnosis, you begin to become in tune with the inner workings of other people’s thoughts. This is because you have tapped into the collective unconscious that most people fail to recognize. There are moments when this collective unconscious exposes itself but it usually takes ESP help to unveil this intercommunication.

ESP Help Beyond Senses

The five senses can be deceptive. Consider a typical optical illusion as an example. You think that you know what you see because it is right there before your eyes. However, when you take a new perspective, you begin to realize that the image is an illusion. This can occur in life experience as well.

We experience the world as distinct entities but there is a flow of energy—or unconsciousness—that connects us in our experiences, thoughts and emotions. Our subconscious minds try to give signals that this interconnectedness exists but we don’t recognize this without ESP help.

Your brain is a very protective device that keeps you from being overwhelmed. When you are in tune with the collective unconscious and have the clairvoyance that you seek, you may become engulf in the experience. Opening the door to the subconscious mind is best done with hypnosis as a control.

An excellent selection found here - ESP Help - is by renowned hypnotherapist, Steve G Jones who offers his magnificent talent and experience in this composition. If you are seeking ESP help in the realm of energy forces, you can find guidance in the recording found here - Chakra Meditation Help - by renowned hypnotherapist Duncan McColl who brings the chakra meditation to life. Other stellar selectiosn are available here - Meditation Self Help . Simply follow the links for more information.