Meditation With Moldavite

So I got a piece of Moldavite at the Lowry the other week, from a guy who was selling crystals and weirdly I had been thinking about finding another piece, and he had one, and I was attracted instantly.  I bought a piece in 2003, but didn't understand meditation or crystal therapy then, and because Moldavite only works with the higher vibrational energy, it escaped me.  Now it's with me to stay, I sleep with it lol, keep it on me at all times.  I remember my dreams, see more colours when meditation and at times have felt a tingling and throbbing sensation in my body.  I want to tell people about how wonderful this little tektite is and how much it can help with spirituality, if you are into that?

We all have the potential to be spiritual beings, but we have to put in the time and effort, forget the ego and feed the mind and love ourselves.   There is a wonderful book on Moldavite called: Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Tranformation, I purchased mine from Amazon and it is an amazing read.

Moldavite is the stone of Extraterrestrial origin, and placing it on your third eye and meditating with it, can give you access to speak to other beings, becoming more knowledgeable.  You can also use on the throat chakra or heart chakra.  It opens up all the chakras to a high energy and will give you an uplifted feeling.  Just try it!  Even just holding it in the left hand, feel it tingle is enough for it to work for the whole body, or place it in your pocket, in your purse etc.

All I can say is that I feel high on life these days, and if you feel ready to awaken your spirituality or kundalini energy then purchase a piece of Moldavite, the stone that is becoming rarer than a diamond.  It is very powerful and can transform your life quickly.