Meditation is not mere ritual but it is a state

Today i want to discuss a bit about meditation.We all have misunderstood Meditation.We all are doing meditation for some time a day.But you know Spiritual masters say that Meditation is not a doing or something which we can perform for 15 mins. or half  an hour.It is a state of consciousness.

Elevated being are in meditation for 24 hours in a day.Even in sleep also they are in meditation.Because they realized their own self and came to an conclusion that what we see(our body)is not my true identity.But what resides in that is always alert and never ever go to sleep.i remember once Buddha said that from when I attained enlightenment I never goes to sleep.I am always awake and seeing my body is going to sleep.(here I(capital) is Higher self(Pure consciousness).Great beings such as Jesus Christ,Lord Mahavir,Mohammad etc..are those elevated beings.

Life is full of thrill and excitement.welcome each and every moment of your life.One can enjoy life at fullest when he/she is relaxed and in a state of awareness.To build awareness,Meditation is very useful.Also don't be choosy in life. Take life as it comes.whatever in this world is great because everything is created by my dear Lord and Lord never makes a mistake.HE never see us unhappy.

GURU directs us on the path of liberation.GURU is source of abundance energy which HE transforms  to HIS disciples.GURU gives advice as per disciple's level.But HE makes sure that desciple will be on right track.Role of GURU in our spiritual life is itself a big topic that i will discuss next time.

We all have immense potential within us.we need to just tap it and you will see wonders.Always spare some 10-15 mins. for yourself and ask who am I?what is the reason for my existence.What i have to achieve from my life?Introspection for 15 mins is equal to listening 100 discourses of our spiritual master.Dont stop listening Spiritual master's discourses.But only listening is not suffice.

In Short,don't make Meditation a ritual to be performed  but try to be in meditative level all the time.Try to be in alert state with complete awareness and you see you will be in meditative state.