Photon Light Breath MeditationPhoton Light Breath Meditation by Kirkland and Laura Ross.© 2010 TEAM ROSS LLC The Photon Light Breath Meditation is designed for all people to stand in your own power and re-member who you truly are. "What we offer you is a powerful tool to access your own answers efficiently." Today has been a reminder of the sands of time and its importance in our growth as beings of light. When Laura and I committed to sharing our information through meditations, we knew that it would be a new and exciting experience for both of us…and it certainly is. What we have discovered today is that we are living our purpose in the space of NOW. For us that means we live completely in the moment with trust, honor, and strength so that when time feels compressed and contracting around us we simply choose to expand our light and flow with the process. It's the greatest opportunity to stand in our power and operate from a space of love focused ever-outward. Do you feel like you are in an hour glass and it's only a matter of time before each piece of you goes into the next phase? It appears that we are experiencing physical change more rapidly now as we get closer to the point of no return and time keeps reminding us of our choices. I have found that in order to go through that funnel or portal of time, I simply let go of my history and step into the moment of NOW. We are always at the power of choice and right now I choose to shine. The exciting part is that I get to create my next form and that excitement is what creates the photon. Are you familiar with the science at the atomic and subatomic levels called quantum mechanics? We work with the photon which is a unit of light or "quanta". A photon is a packet of energy with very specific characteristics. They move at a constant velocity in free space with zero mass and never rest. Photons carry energy and momentum. What appears to be complex or even unexplainable can be easily understood when seen in its simplistic parts. When we look at an object, we "see" all of the subatomic particles and the object forms. When we look away, they lose their physical forms. All of the particles that make up the objects in our lives are simulated by our self awareness, the creator. We have the ability and the power to create the world around us by design forming our reality. We are the sands of time in an hour glass forming our world moment to moment.So, how is the photon light generated? The effect that causes an ion, molecule, or atom to release light is called spontaneous emission. This occurs when a particle is in an "excited" state. The particle will spontaneously emit a photon which reduces the particles energy to a more stable condition, or "state". |