Meditating Massage

This meditation is a simple guide to help complete a hard day. Nothing is required, except for an open mind, and a want to feel really refreshed and relaxed.

Make sure, you start this meditation by getting in a comfy position. Some prefer laying down; for this as it is all about comfort.Also, be sure to have your time in a quiet area free of any outside noises that make cause you to be interrupted.

Once you are ready, close your eyes and take several deep breaths, in and out. You may focus on your breath for a short while if you choose.Now imagine a set of soft hands being placed upon your head. These hands are embracing you with their healing touch. They move at ease making you feel loose and calm.

Now these magical hands are moving down towards your shoulders. Taking a hold of them in their palms and working away at your muscles. You can feel all the tension in your upper body flow away as if it was never there before.

Take in all the movements, (small and large) that these hands are using on you as they work their way down your body. Keep a steady breath and let your mind escape all of the stress you endeavored through out the day.

Pay close attention to every one of your tension points which are being targeted by a long, lasting touch of ten satiable finger tips. Any pain you may have can be dissolved instantly, just as long as you lead the massaging hands in that direction and let them do the work.

Once you have made it down to your feet, be sure to give them the most attention. Your feet are your roots; the connection to the earth. They work the hardest, weather we feel pain inside them or not. Focus on all of your toes individually, making them tingle with satisfaction.

After your meditating massage, you will feel a surge of happiness and completion. You can experience this wonderful retreat away from your daily routine anytime you feel in need of some relaxation.