Binaural Meditation - Meditation Made Easy

One of the main uses of binaural beats is for binaural meditation… well, this was the original intention / use of them and perhaps how they are best and most used.

Here is a simple explanation of how it works and whyit will enhance your meditation sessions and help you reach a deeper state of meditation, faster and easier.

What is Binaural Meditation?

What you might not know about meditation is that once you enter a meditative trance there are measurable changes to your brainwaves – to their frequency and the activity going on inside your head.

Officially a meditative state starts when you go from being in  a Beta frequency (you are in this all day during regular activities) into an Alpha frequency

The difficult part for beginners in meditation is fully crossing into this Alpha state.It can take months, years even to really perfect the technique of slowing your thoughts and your mind and entering this frequency range– especially developing the ability to enter it naturally, quickly, consistently, and staying in it for prolonged periods of time.

Save Time With Binaural Beats

This is where Binaural beats will help. They oscillate at an Alpha sound frequency – this quickly aligns your mind with this frequency and helps you to enter an Alpha frequency quickly and naturally.

This is the first stage of meditation, and if you have tried to meditate but can't seem to properly relax, can't stop your thoughts from racing or silence your inner voice thenyou have not really experienced true meditation.

Binaural beats can help you – to save you time, and tohelp you to enter this Alpha state quicker. In time it will also actually train your brain to enter this state naturally – as you gain experience of it you will experience what this state of mind is like, and be able to enter it for yourself naturally.

Simply put the use of binaural meditation in your meditation sessions willadvance you several years worth of practice time. It will help you naturally enter a meditative state quickly and easily, and teach your brain how to do this for itself, and actually experience a total shift in consciousness.