The Value of Time in Meditation and Sadhna

Time is an important criterion for observation of meditation and such spiritual practices. Generally early morning hours, late night hours, sunrise time and sunset time are good for such activities. My Guruji Shree Premanandji always used to say that when a Bhogi sleeps, a yogi wakes up. He uses to guide us to perform mantra japam during late night hours after 12:30 AM. There has been a great significance and some hidden importance behind such time constraints. During night most of the people are asleep. The air is free of vibes and different energies. It is clearer and hence it becomes easier to meditate. There are lesser distractions during such hours. Shri. Premanandji never use to sleep during night hours. We always use to found him awake and in deep meditation during such hours.

According to Shastras positive energies roam our earth during early morning hours. While there can be a big debate on the truth of this statement, one can definitely feel and sense harmony, calm and positive energy in the morning air. This generally vanishes as Sun rises up. Sunrise time and sunset time have special significance as well. According to "*Swarodaya" our sushmuna is awake during such hours and both swaras dominate during that time. In normal conditions only one nostril disposes a swara and the process is repeated with alternative swara during each hour. But during sunrise and sunset Sushmuna awakes, and it is strongly recommended that one should perform some spiritual activity during such hours. It is the reason, why elderly people still guide us not to sleep during early morning hours and during sunset time. According to Swarodaya every work (Except Dhyana or meditation) pursued during such hours, gets destroyed as darkness gets destroyed when the Sun rises up. It is believed that meditation is easier during such hours.

Besides these general implications, astrology also guides us to go for only particular periods for Sadhnas and meditation. The period of the fifth house lord, ketu and Sthira lagna is used for initiation and sadhna. Vimshamsha chart can also be used for this purpose if the time of birth is known. Moolas Nakshatras which are considered very inauspicious can also be used for meditation and mantra Japam. Moola signifies zero control, a rashi's beginning or ending with the sign indicates a blank area. It is almost like a turn on the road. Empty but powerful. One needs to channelize that energy to gain some peace.

Mediation requires that fifth house, Sun and Moon should be devoid of any blemishes and a fixed or sthira sign should be rising in the ascendant. The dasha lord should be finely placed and could have an association with fourth, eighth or twelfth house lord. A person performing the ritual should look for condition of Nakshatras and Muhurta for initiation. His atmakarka should not be debilitated or combust in transit and should be strong. This rule should be applied to amatyakarka as well. Mantra should be denailed and should be matched with his name to see whether it is beneficial or not. Jupiter should be influencing the ascendant, the fifth house lord or the twelfth house or its lord in transit. The placement of Ketu in twelfth is also good provided it as some influence from some benefic like Jupiter or Mercury. All these conditions should be applied before performing some Sadhna.

A person with afflicted Fifth house or its lord and second house should be very careful and should not recite mantras on his own. Debilitated Jupiter, Rahu dasha should also be checked before recitation of a mantra. Mantras can fructify when a fixed sign rising in transit has its exaltation sign in D-9’s ascendant. It can be awakened when Mantra pad carries beautiful transits and when Atmakarka is exalted in transits.

*Swarodaya: A Shastra related to science of breathing.

Alok Jagawat