Which foods cause Eczema

What causes eczema is unknown but there are several factors why we get eczema, such as the environment we live in, the genres we inherit, our family history, chemicals we use in detergents and foods we eat.  Which foods cause eczema flare ups is something we can control.

Unfortunately as there is not a 100% reliable test for identifying which foods cause eczema.  So it is important to learn what type of foods triggers eczema; there is no exact diet you should follow.  Not everyone is the same, some types of foods triggers eczema on one person does not mean it will be the same for the next person.  By monitoring the foods you eat you can help control your eczema.

Keeping a diary of what you eat and noting down what your condition of your eczema is like can be very useful in identifying which foods causes eczema.  The signs that food is causing the eczema you need to look out for include changing and worsening of the eczema, itching, swelling, redness and irritation on the eczema.

Which foods cause eczema

The most common foods that have an effect on eczema are as follows:

• Diary products: Milk, yogurt, cheese, cream and even hidden diary products such as cow's milk in chocolate.
• Nuts: Peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts
• Wheat based products: Cereal and bread, pancakes, muffins and pizza base.
• Seafood: Shellfish such as prawns, clams and mussels, crab, fish.
• Acidic fruits: Oranges, Lemon, Strawberries and blueberries
• Food activities: Sodium benzoate, Monosodium glutamate (MSG), Tartrazine,  Benzoic acid and Parabens
• Other commonly known foods are tomatoes and soy products.

Remember it is not just foods you consume to identfy which foods cuase eczema, will need to think about the drinks you consume too like orange juice that are acidic.

When trying out which foods cause eczema it is best to try one type of suspected food at a time.  When you start your diary you will need to:

1.  Stop eating all sources of the suspected food or foods for at least two to six weeks to give time for the improvement in the eczema and ensure your skin is as eczema free as possible.

2.  Try the suspected food to bring a return or worsening of the eczema, you may want to try small potions of the suspected food, in some cases the symptoms can appear within 2 hours or a delayed sensitivity can occur so you may want to try the food for a few days to see if there is an reaction on the eczema, as this may not happen on the first day.

3.  Once you are sure this type of food has an effect on the eczema, you then must stop eating the suspected food to bring back the improvement in the symptoms.

If for example milk has an affect on the eczema, you may want to try out foods containing milk such as milk chocolate bars.  I have experienced that even though cheese can cause eczema it is not every type of cheese.  Soft cheese like brie and mozzarella are more prone to trigger the eczema then hard cheeses such as cheddar cheese.

When you have your list of which foods cause eczema you will need to discuss your diet with your doctor or a healthcare professional to ensure you are following a healthy diet and that you are getting all the nutrients you need.