Nothing Happening in Meditation?

Many beginning meditators will complain of the lack of anything interesting happening when they sit down to meditate. They hear stories about awesome experiences that occur when others meditate and this is often one of the things that motivates people to begin meditating. They desire these same experiences. But what many fail to realize is that for these big experiences to happen they have to learn to open themselves up to the subtle experiences that are happening that they are simply unaware of because they are looking in the wrong place.

When people sit down to meditate they immediately look for "experiences they can relate to". They are looking for some overt, over the top experience to grab them by the collar and take them for a ride.

These types of experiences definitely do happen, but usually only to people who have learned to open themselves to the Universe in the correct way.

The universe steps forward when everything is in the right place. If you aren't open yourself to the manner in which the experience will come, you have blocked off the path in which it will appear. All the complaining in the world won't change the fact that you refuse to open the door.

When you sit down to meditate, pay close attention to the subtle. Pay attention to the feelings and impressions you get. In the beginning, this is where the meat lies. Don't expect crazy lights and black holes, pay attention to how things feel. The things that seem out of the ordinary. These are the experiences that will open your brain to more profound experiences down the road. ou are learning to navigate foreign spaces that your consciousness does not recognize.

Just sit and relax, keep your mind clear, and let whatever is going happen to you, happen. Don't try to expect something in particular or box what starts to happen into a preconception of what you think it should be.

Spirituality is always something other that what you think it will be. This is the beauty of it and also the trap that keeps most from finding its secrets. By looking for experiences you can relate to, you end up missing what the Universe truly has to offer. What you are looking for are things you "cannot" currently conceive of.

The Core Program from the Higher Balance Institute is by far the most effective knowledge for understanding meditation that I have run across in my lifetime seeking out spirituality. Nothing comes anywhere close. I urge anyone who is serious about pursuing spirituality to make this investment into your eternity.

The Foundation Meditation that is included in Core 1 from the Higher Balance Institute is by far the most effective knowledge for understanding meditation that I have run across in my journey seeking out spirituality. Nothing comes anywhere close.

Higher Balance Institute is the world leader in advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the psychic sense. It is the most comprehensive and unique program of its kind, designed to produce direct, real personal paranormal experiences to learn from. Our mission is simple - to awaken the world one mind at a time. For more information, free eBooks, classes and videos visit us at