Searching-- Techniques For Effective Meditation PracticeLooking for effective meditation techniques for beginners? You're in the right place. For beginners, there are some simple steps to help you take advantage of the tremendous benefits of the practice of meditation. Meditation Techniques - posture. Meditation techniques - Focus The aim for beginners to practice meditation is to withdraw from many thoughts of many things and you concentrate on inner of your life subtle. Just little practice of meditation is to give you the freedom of many disturbing thoughts and relax the physical body, senses and mind. Meditation techniques - time and place Understanding meditation and its objective - for beginners. For the beginner. the purpose of practicing meditation is to launch awareness. Meditation is a means of direct experience of his body, senses and thoughts on a desired object - in your case, breathing, sense of light, sound and smell, and lastly your thoughts and emotions . . For me you can not say, consciousness, until you remove your sense of observation of breathing and sense of reflection of light, sound and smell and your thoughts and emotions. . . And just listen to your inner sense of sight. What you feel the consciousness of light is your perception of consciousness. True consciousness arises when you develop your meditation to control thought and conscience. The actual experience of consciousness is a direct experience with its subtle selfishness of his life and practice to become aware of his inner consciousness. Here you are familiar with your inner self within, but not the wisdom of your own thought and speech. It is called the Samadhi meditation master. Here you are disconnected from your sense of seeing the light and sense of reflection of light. |