Hooponopono Org - Create Instant Peace With The Hooponopono Org & The Zero Limits Live From Maui DVD

Before I came across the Hooponopono Org and the Zero Limits Live From Maui DVDs,  I had a lot of anxiety in my life. I was always fighting with these feelings but the resistance intensified the problem.  I just wanted to feel relief but in hindsight I was just making the problem worse. I needed to find some answers.

I discovered that the key to spiritual development is twofold:

1)  Let go of old patterns of resistance and our attachment to the problem. Many of us are unwilling to let go and so we remain stuck.

We need to do more than just let go.....

2) We ALSO need to raise our vibration so that it clears and dissolves the problem.

It looks so simple but this was a tall order for me. It meant totally transforming the way I thought and behaved. I tried to change my thinking and beliefs with CBT, seminars and life coaching but that didn't work . It felt like I was too entrenched in the problem.

So how could I simply let go of the problem?? I had to develop the willingness to start clearing myself and then raising my vibration. I also had to become aware of the true cause of the problem. In Hooponopono, problems are just  subconscious memories replaying in the mind. We don't need to analyse where it came from but just acknowledge that there's something within us that is causing the problem. .

We then begin a powerful cleaning process in which we appeal to Divinity to clear these problem memories. We seek love and forgiveness and thank the Divinity within for providing a solution which is already on it's way. The key is to really feel a powerful connection with The One and to feel problems being removed from you!

I also find that it is helpful to totally switch my focus to feeling love, abundance or joy and feeling as if the solution is already here! I imagine this as I am saying the 4 mantras of the Hooponopono Org and start to feel the inner smile radiate within me.

I realise I have a choice: I can either keep scratching away at the wound, or I can let go of the problem, clear myself and raise my vibration. The only reason why we feel stuck is because we are unwilling  to let go of the problem and choose instead to focus on it.

The Zero Limits Live From Maui DVDs allowed me to start choosing to follow the path of least resistance. It has increased my awareness of the true cause of all problems which are within me, there is no "out there" This means I take responsibility for everything. When Dr Hew Len, the father of modern Hooponopono, did this he healed an entire ward of mentally ill criminals!

Hooponopono Org has given me a magic formula for clearing myself of problems leaving me feeling clear and ready to take inspired action. The ability to do this at any time of the day is a priceless gift from spirit.

You can have it, too!

Peace begins with me!

Learn More About Hooponopono Org AND learn How To Attract Miracles With The Zero Limits DVDs

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