How Much Do You Know About Aura Viewing or Your Spirit Guide? How About Telepathy?astral Projection?

Binaural Frequency Harmonics... Do you know what they are? As you may or may not know we are all psychic. We all have special talents and we all have special 'powers' if you will. We just don't know how to use them. Because I truly love anything that will help me grow as a person, I have so many different likes and dislikes as well as hobbies, I am constantly looking for ways to better myself. I know I am meant to be great and do great things. I found a site that is way better than any other site I looked at or bought from. Let me tell you what Binaural Frequency Harmonics is. These are wave generators that were used in order to create two separate frequency waves that were introduced to each ear separately.
Your brain then reacts by creating a third tone that was the differentiation among the two. This then allows the brain to tune directly into a frequency that the ear can't hear. These Binaural Frequency Harmonics are downloadable MP3's. In using this technology the entire Alpha and Theta range of frequencies between 5-12 Hz were then tested. The results were that a combo of frequencies caused a major shift in what we call Consciousness and so many users then reported an actual separation from their actual physical bodies! Truly amazing! I can't sit here and tell you just how amazing it is, this is something you have to see it, live it to believe it.
If you are interested in anything from Astral Projection to Meditation or ESP and Remote Viewing or how about learning to connect to your Spirit Guide? There is also Past Life Regression and Aura Viewing. If you want something that has to do more with your health you can definitely benefit from DNA Simulation or Weight Loss and Memory Enhancers. I promise you will not find anything negative to say about these Binaural Frequency Harmonics.
My family and I do this together. I cannot find the right words to express how our bodies feel after this is done. The sounds.... Absolutely Calming and you feel completely outside of yourself. Please do yourself the favor and check it out. Once you try one you will want more. I do ask you one favor though; please post a comment letting me know how much you enjoyed it! I want to know how you felt, what you felt, what you saw and how right I was to tell you about this!



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