Science of Thoughts

Silence Speaks! In Conversation with Higher Self!

Q: Any techniques/guidance for achieving thoughtless state of mind?
Mongolia invaded most parts of the world through sheer intelligence, alliances, networking with locals and lethal weapons. Despite the ruler being a tyrant, it was more like a complicated people’s rule if you haven’t understood it by now. Seemingly your mind is being ruled by a tyrant who wants to rule each and every part/aspect of you, leaving nothing for ME. By achieving a thoughtless state even for few seconds, you deprive him of this lethal weapon - thoughts. Also in this state, all his networking-liaisons (of thoughts, emotions, physical issues) weaken and he has to bow down.

So I AM much more interested in this war than you think you are. Let’s start with the basics. The thought starts as an impulse of some desire, past memory, random scene from recent experiences, sounds, an abstract emotion and so on. But it starts just as an impulse like an electron is fired from nowhere. Ego triggers many of them without the conscious aspect knowing about it. This happens due to the complex evolution of sub-conscious mind and the sympathetic nervous system - the evolution of fight or flight syndrome in response to the dangerous environment.

Now, as this one impulse surfaces to your conscious mind, it either gets a response or you ignore it based on your interest in it - negative or positive. As a thought triggers a response from the conscious mind, it acts like a magnet pulling out more related thoughts from the sub-conscious or actively works out and creates (yes, this time consciously) a stream of thoughts, imagination, calculations and logic simultaneously activating the emotional part of the brain in connection with your heart and all the other energy centers.

So if a thought has struck one of your weak points and you activate sadness, the whole system of the brain, heart, muscles, blood circulation and aura follow the vibrational rhythm of that thought, and cause deep trouble for your entire system of mind/body/soul.

Next time you sit again for that beautiful aware witness meditation, notice this point. How a happy thought impulse triggers a chain reaction till it fades out and the ego throws the next one to you to capture your entire system and totally disconnect with ME. I can talk to you, show you images, sing a song to you from the field of nothingness, but most probably your ego’s way of constantly triggering and creating havoc will succeed, for I believe in silence and love, and you have somehow evolved to love fear-tension-action and prefer to run for nothing.

In the beginning, as you are born with no particular identity, we are in sync. But as you begin to label the thoughts, objects and the environment, we start moving apart as there is one fundamental difference between us. I know for sure about the Oneness - being the One - and you start believing you are separate from All-That-Is. And that was designed to facilitate the individual survival and game of life, so you move away. Once the goal of individual existence, experience, evolution and expression is achieved, we strive to pack everything and merge again to know who we are really, and then live with the awareness of oneness and uniqueness - best of both worlds!

So this whole journey of separateness and union has been there for thousands of years, and now stakes are higher. As you know, ego too wants to evolve, which will mean more and more chaos for it believes and survives in separation. So now I have envisioned union on larger scale and we can unite in the field of Being where we all are already in Oneness.

So there we are. Starting our discussion with One Thought to the journey of Oneness. So you got to sit there, be very alert with dynamic awareness and go for the root of thoughts. As you begin to examine, they slow down, for you stop to react. Remember, do not react, just witness them plainly without falling for the ego’s idea of pulling out more thoughts and emotions. And if you react, as soon as you gain your awareness, re-emerge. Check out the consequences of that one silly impromptu thought over your entire system by doing a quick review of the chain reaction and see how useless it is. And be ready for another attack from the ego. Soon you become an expert in this (just like learning to ride a bicycle!) and then you can smile and stay aloof from these involuntary thoughts.

So now you do think, but only when you want to. Rest of the time you can remain in active awareness of oneness-nothingness. Soon your vibratory rate changes to that of oneness-nothingness, and we merge - full and final!

(C) Amitt Parikh, all rights reserved.