An Introductory Guide To How To Meditate For Beginners

You have probably heard about meditation. Perhaps you think it is one of those silly new age style practices that has no real substance, yet you are still curious to try it anyway. Or maybe you have read a bit about it and have a bit of an idea of the real benefits that meditation can offer. Whichever applies to you, the purpose of this how to meditate for beginners guide is to give you a simple introduction to what meditation is and how you can start practicing it.

When a person meditates, the constant mental chatter starts to settle down, leaving behind a sense of peace and increased awareness. There a wide number of meditation methods, all with their own unique benefits, but in this guide I present to you a simple breathing meditation.

Sit in a comfortable place in a quiet room with subdued lighting and away from any strong stimulation of any kind. If there are unwanted sounds nearby, you can put earplugs into your ears if you wish.

Sitting comfortably with your eyes open, start to become aware of your breath. There is no need to try to control it. Just gently allow it to be, and observe its natural motion in and out.

As you feel yourself become relaxed, gently shut your eyes whilst still observing your breath. Start to observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind like clouds in a sky, without getting involved in them. Your goal here is not to try to actually do anything, but rather to just simply BE. Just be aware, and allow things to be just as they naturally are.

As you become even more relaxed, you might begin to become aware of different feelings in your body or your mind. You may start to feel lighter, floaty, weightless, or your mind may become completely blank. However, be careful not to make these feelings into a goal. You goal is not to make anything particular happen, but rather to just sit waiting, and notice anything if it does indeed happen. Just be the witnessing consciousness that observes whatever happens.

After a short while, begin to slowly open your eyes gently. As you now sit there with your eyes open, gently become aware of the room around you again. Just sit for a few minutes and be aware of your surroundings. Then once you are ready, carry on with your day. Try to do meditate at least once a day, but preferably twice.