Reasons People Meditate

One of the most longstanding reasons for meditation and perhaps one of the major reasons why many people today are put off the thought of meditating is because of its spiritual or religious origins. Or more specifically, the claims that meditation helps a person to reach "Enlightenment" or "God" or the "Spirit" or the "Soul" or anything else that is somehow beyond reality as we commonly know and experience it. And so to some people, the concept of meditation appears a bit wishy washy or just not suitable for them. Unfortunately, to dismiss meditation so lightly would be to miss out on some of the other benefits that meditation offers.

What are some of the things that people report that meditation helps them with?

Some people say that after practicing meditation regularly they have become more calm and relaxed and less tense, stressed and anxious. If you can reduce those kinds of feelings and emotions, imagine the effect it has on your well being. In fact a greater all round sense of well being is another reason people cite for practicing meditation. Some people feel meditation gives them a greater sense of connect and understanding with their own self and with the people around them, helping them to feel more compassionate, loving and understanding. And some people feel that meditation helps them to concentrate more and think more clearly without being in a constant state of confusion or emotional turmoil.

There are many other reasons why people meditate. These are just a few of the more common and important reasons.