Consciousness is Energy; Earth is Consciousness

Ever wonder what we are and what is in the Universe? Who is out there and are we the only planet suffering like this? Poverty, hunger, illnesses and suffering economic losses, homes, jobs and unable to buy food are signs that something has interfered with our well being. Human beings are energy; in fact everything around us is energy. What differentiates us from animals is that we are consciousness and animals are instinctual energy, some possessing a higher frequency that can connect to the consciousness of the earth. The earth has consciousness because it responds to causes and effects and it suffers like humans do.

First let us ask ourselves if we truly believe there is only one galaxy with one planet with living beings. We shouldn't accept that as we have no way of proving that it is so. If we believe that there are other worlds in other galaxies than we can accept that energy exists everywhere and we are part of a bigger mass. Believing that consciousness is energy is to understand that what we create in our world big or small, affects our society, community and the world that we live in.

Earth has been accumulating energy for eons, lets say for example 4 million years, and in those eons the earth has managed to help animals, life and beings develop and advance. The earth has its own consciousness; therefore it functions like a human being. It wants to improve itself and accumulate knowledge and a great abundance of energy, just like humans. Energy we can call Wisdom.

One thousand years ago humans began to industrialize this world by creating machines and systems that distracted us from our consciousness and it began to teach us to disrespect Earth. Before that humans have been working on raising consciousness accumulating knowledge and experienced living in a world where there was interaction on a community level. Trading was not based on how much you had, but what you had that could improve lives in order to improve spiritual knowledge thus, our consciousness.

When man began to take energy from the Earth it created a system that deflected us from our spiritual growth and so we turned our attention to selfish intentions. We also began to separate ourselves from each other and created borders, languages and traditions that caused wars and competition instead of co-creation for the Earth and the Universe.

So let us analyze that perhaps our society was created to benefit a few and it has left the majority of the world in pain, poverty, loneliness and hunger. Now our society, our economy is falling apart and with it the Earth. We should use our logic to understand that what was taken from the Earth to create machines and energy supply has depleted the planet to the point that it has begun to respond to the negative effects. Earth is now experiencing a separation in its DNA structure and the energy has been destroyed causing great natural disasters which will cause the planet to self-destruct. It is just like our consciousness when we give up or behave in a negative way because of the influences around us.

What we do not see is that the cause and effect of these actions on Earth affect the Universe and because of Karma, every action has a reaction so our world is sending out waves of energy that unfortunately will affect the rest of the Universe, thus causing a negative reaction to other planets and galaxies. We should feel shame over this and make a strong resolution to begin changing it now.

We should recognize the times and shift our view point, change our mindset and take forward action to affect our community and planet using a higher, positive approach to everything we do regardless of the sacrifice we may have to make to unite with others. Become a great example of what good consciousness should be. Begin to create a strong self-sufficient community to survive the changes but more importantly begin to send out happy and more positive feelings to help the reactions that are bound to occur because of karma to the Universe.

This reaction also effects the Earth's ability to rebuild and restructure its DNA after it took millions of years to create so that is can survive into the next eon and continue being a world where beings can work on their consciousnesses as well as be an example for other beings in the universe. Focus on raising your consciousness/energy slowly, integrating and processing every experience to benefit the highest for yourself as well as take into consideration the effects it has on others.

Time is another factor that is being affected and because of the disasters, the earth's energy has shifted its axis and it will continue to degrade and change the speed hence causing time to increase faster and faster. Understand that time is moving more quickly and there is less time to respond to its changes. Renounce the life you are leading now if it does not help your energy or the planet's energy and create a group that can support each other without competing.

2012 represents a series of predictions that have been misunderstood and ignored. Regardless of the information that is posted, it addresses an important fact about time and a cycle that is coming to an end. Nothing is supposed to remain the same and for there to be growth there must be change. 2012 talks about a polar shift that will take place and it has to do with the Northern and Southern poles reversing magnetic energy causing the earth to experience an energy shift just like humans do every so often in our lives.

The polar shift will cause the end of physical life on the planet, but our consciousness will not end as long as we have prepared ourselves for the energy shift. In order to understand what that signifies for you, you must first look at what you are doing in your life, how you live and what is important to you. Look inside and examine what effects you create. Then you can allow your consciousness to continue to increase and let it guide you in the direction that you will need to move forward.

Stop what you are doing for a while and quiet the heart in order to feel and know if you are happy or miserable. Have you been following your instincts, listening to your intuition or following trends in the society that do not suit you? Follow your heart and be honest about the life you have been living. Begin to raise your energy by raising your viewpoint about your aspirations and look up, be positive about everything and help others do the same. Remember that because we are consciousness we can create this trend, and lift energy. Use the visualization of clear light to radiate to others and on the earth to increase positive energy and overcome negative energy. It is recommended that we do this slowly by integrating ourselves into our daily activities that can lift energy by making positive actions.