Using Compassion As A Meditation Practice

Compassion is on of the most revered divine qualities of human being. It is compassion that separates us from other animals. A loving and sympathetic attitude towards every living creature on earth is one of the most important qualities a spiritual person can have. In this article we shall discuss how compassion can be used as a meditation practice.

Meditation is a process to know who we really are in true sense of existence. A common thread of consciousness is passing through every particle of this universe. Meditation is an inner journey to identify this common thread within yourself. Once you realize that same kind of consciousness is present in you and others, you cannot stop start seeing everybody as your own reflection.

Compassion is a feeling of unconditional love towards all with the welfare of everybody as the prime goal. A compassionate person will be able to learn meditation very easily as these two qualities complement each other. As you mediate, your compassion towards all will increase. Similarly as your compassion will increase, your tendency to meditate will grow on its own.

A compassionate person has a feeling of love towards everybody. This feeling does not arise out of any compulsion or as a sense of duty. This feeling arises from the inner feeling of thankfulness for the whole universe. The person observes that the whole universe is involved in some kind of creation just for the happiness of others.

The Sun rises and it rises for everybody. It does not differentiate while giving its warmth to people. It does not make a difference in providing its energy to plants. It gives all that it has. Similarly the flowers blossom for everybody. The river flows for everybody and does not differentiate while giving its water to people.

When a tree provides its fruits, they are for everybody to enjoy. If you observe you will find that universe is giving with both hands to everybody. It does not ask for anything in return. It is only we human beings that demands everything from nature but are not prepared to give something in returns.

You can practice compassion as one form of meditation. When you walk on earth, thank the earth for allowing you to walk over it. If you find any thorn in a path, take a moment and remove the thorn from the path lest anybody should harm from it.

Try to be helpful to people in whichever way you can. Don't ask for anything in return. Try to give some service in the old age home. Go to the orphanage and give some service there. Give some elementary education to a poor child, help someone in need find a job, take some poor sick person to a doctor and pay for the fees, get involve in the community project of your locality, give some needy person money to buy food.

Do all these tasks or some of them without expecting anything in return. And above all don't allow your ego to become inflated just because you are helping somebody. Help others, don't expect and thank the universe for giving you an opportunity to help others. No matter how much we can help others, we can't become God.

Still, even after doing all that you can to help others, you'll find that many people have left out. Still there will be millions in need of help. The world is full of suffering that the universe require millions and millions of selfless soul who help the world just out of compassion, without the expectation of any reward.

What you'll gain from this selfless service? You'll gain something that cannot be written in word. As the feeling of compassion arise in you, you'll become more and more inclined towards spirituality. You will find that your ability to meditate has increase manifold.

A meditative state is a natural state for a person full of compassion. The whole universe will open its doors to a person full of deep compassion towards humanity. Compassion is a divine quality that will immensely help you in meditation.