Methodologies For Implementing Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls With Therapeutic Hypnosis

Hypnosis is related to meditation but the essential distinction is its emphasis on particular goals. Defining a specific matter and outlining the desired result is integral to therapeutic hypnosis. Quartz crystal singing bowls , when used for healing, are also targeted at a particular issue and desired outcome. Utilizing hypnosis induction procedures in synergy with your option of sound vibration (choice of bowl),   may be intuitive but also can be strategically planned.

If, for example, the issue is insecurity and lack of stability and success, I could establish, through interview, the positive suggestions the client wants to have impressed upon their subconscious. Maybe something like, "I live in a secure world produced by my own endeavors and decisions. I'm becoming prosperous and secure." In the procedure of induction, as the subject begins to go more completely into hypnosis, the facilitator can interject the sounds of the quartz crystal singing bowls, specifically the bowls that is tuned to middle ‘C'. The Middle ‘C' vibration is resonate with the ?page=root%20chakra" Root Chakra (spiritual center) located at the root of the spinal column and which is linked with grounding and survival. This center can become out of balance and alignment and by making use of the tones may be reset, reactivated, and strengthened. The chakra should naturally spin easily and smoothly in a clockwise direction; a mixing of healing thought patterns and a cleansing of the chakra can return the client to a state of well being.

The sound also serves, mainly because it is deep, natural, and primal nature, to facilitate a deepening of hypnosis along with a meditative state, for the subject. Personally, I like to play the bowl for about 60 second intervals in between my words developed for induction and suggestion. For instance, at one point a suggestion is usually made, ‘It might be good, now that you are relaxed, to open up to the rich resource that mother earth offers for this planet and all who live here'. Then the bowl is played for 60 seconds to allow that suggestion to sink into the subconscious and also for the sound to open the root chakra.

Employing the quartz crystal singing bowls in hypnosis also shortens the time for induction and can frequently facilitate a spiritual sensation.

In another situation a person may perhaps have an problem with self expression. Possibly they cannot ‘speak up' for themselves or maybe they need to present before an audience, or they would like to learn how to sing. Hypnosis may be applied to release inhibitions or the childhood fear of judgment by loosening up restrictions around the vocal cords. Possibly by discussing the desired outcome it could be decided to use a suggestion for instance, "My voice opens up freely to express who I am – easily and naturally." The quartz crystal singing bowls could be used in this case to stimulate, align, and balance the throat chakra. I would certainly use the bowl that is tuned towards the note ‘G' because ‘G' resonates with the throat chakra and with the aid in the sound vibration the throat area can open up.

I have discovered that people's response to this technique to be quite extraordinary. It truly is as if the sound helps them to go towards the place inside themselves that knows how to reestablish homeostasis, both physical and spiritual.

This technique can be applied with a variety of issues and connected to the Seven Chakras of the human system. Far more information is available about which issues are related to which chakra by searching the rich resources of material on the chakras on the web.