Be Careful What you Believe, Because you Get It!

I frequently ask my clients to set an intention for the day, especially before they meditate. Setting an intention is somewhat like sending a prayerful message out into the Universe. This enables us to meet the day with an outlook that brings us good things. Intentions works best when the quality of the message is strong and clear. Such as, “I now look for the perfect house for me that will fill all of my needs.”

What happens when we say things like, “Don’t let this (disaster) happen, or that (problem) happen. I don’t know why I can’t have a baby, car, trip, house, etc., other people have these things. Why can’t I have X, I deserve it.” These kinds of message keep us stuck. When we focus on what we don’t want to happen we create a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Quantum physics say we literally create our reality through our thoughts. Our thought processes generally consists of ramblings of feelings, sights and sounds, and nothing has reality until we process it through our minds. We organize it into structured thinking and co-create a vision of what we want to see in our lives. When the quality of our thought turns negative, then what we get back is also negative and jumbled. Like wiring that gets crossed, the connection just doesn’t happen. It does happen, just not as we intended.

So how do we create the kind of outlook or send the kind of intention that works best for us? This is more about seeing right than thinking right. When we ask for things to not happen, we get confused. The Universe and your mind cannot distinguish between what you want and what you don’t want. We send the Universe, your higher power, your higher consciousness, however you wish to frame this as well as other people, a mixed message. So keep things clear and straightforward.

The steps to get what you want are easy enough: focus on what you want to see happen, and not what you don’t want to see happen. Then let go of the intention. See it like a balloon floating away into space. This intention can be nonspecific, or general, or specific.

• (Non specific) My life is richly rewarding and all of my needs are filled easily and effortlessly.
• (Specific) My dream trip to ________comes to me now.
• (General) I now unfold to the wonderful person that I am and everyone loves me.
• I see my new __________ car sitting in my driveway and I will drive it with joy.
• My house is filled with my children, my laughter, and my love.
• I have the perfect job waiting for me and all I have to do is see it.
• My body is healthy and I feel great!

What do you want to see happen in your life? See it, imagine it, be it…When you think intentional statements of the possible, a clear message is sent to the Universe for what you want, and if you see it, and believe it possible, the possible happens.