How Do Binaural Beats Work? Part 2

Binaural beats can be used in many different ways and for many different reasons. Different frequencies will affect different areas of our conscious and unconscious mind. The secret is in knowing which frequencies of binaural beats to produce the desired effect.

Improving Your Moods:

If you are depressed then using binaural beats will help you relax and reduce your depression. If you have been diagnosed and are receiving treatment, although I do not recommend to stop using the prescribed treatment, using binaural beats can help you to reduce the long term effects of your condition. If you are suffering from chronic mental illness, you may find that binaural beats can be a useful tool in managing your downturn in moods and may help prevent hospitalization.

Enhance Your Learning:

This is probably one of the more popular and useful benefits of binaural beats. By using the correct frequency you can enable your brain to become more open to learning new and unfamiliar concepts. They can also increase your memory so you will be able to remember all the new things you learn. The proper frequencies can also help the listener to develop a stronger ability in spatial perceptions.

Improve Your Memory Skills:

The subconscious part of your mind is what controls long term memory. Binaural beats can greatly enhance your memory skills and enable your subconscious to store the memories in the proper place and also help it to make the necessary connections required to retrieve them when needed. They help you improve your ability to "remember"

Enhance Lucid Dreaming:

Ever had a nightmare that you wanted to escape from but can't? If you learn to lucid dream that will never happen again. In a lucid dream you are aware and in control of your dreams. You can manipulate the people and surroundings in your dreams. Some people can experience them during a normal night's sleep, being able to manipulate the dreams. Others, using tools such as binaural beats, can enter into the lucid dreaming state from a wakeful state. A seasoned lucid dreamer can use this state to work through any number of situations which may be giving them stress in the real world. The existence of lucid dreaming has been well documented by scientific study for many years.

If you are looking to have more creativity in your life then binaural beats can help you. A great many career choices available today now require a creative component. Most people need and use creativity in their day to day life. Find a way to increase you creativity is becoming more important every day.

Having Out of Body Experiences:

Many people claim to have used binaural beats to help them to have an out of body experience. There is a tremendous amount of research going on these days regarding out of body experiences. Scientists still have not found a way to measure the phenomena nor even proven its existence. Others have claimed to have performed astral projection and telepathy using binaural beats, but these ideas are in the same category as out of body experiences.