Meditation: Go Deep Quick! Pt 2

Learning to meditate can be somewhat challenging. If you really want to develop these skills, it isn't terribly difficult, but it will take some time and effort. Using traditional methods, it can take years to make significant headway. Students are often left to meditate with very little guidance. Some just sit in place for hours wondering if and when anything will happen for them. Eventually, this will yield results, but few of us have the patience for such methods. This is the 21st century... we want our enlightenment by yesterday at the latest. So how do we speed the process? How do we get the benefits of meditation in less time? Brainwave entrainment is the quickest way to gain access to deeper levels of mind.

Many studies confirm that one of the primary differences between long term meditators and us average folks is the brainwaves they emit. Experienced meditators emit primarily alpha waves, while most people emit primarily beta waves. Normal consciousness takes place primarily at the beta brainwave level (15 or more cycles per second). The deeper level of relaxed alertness is alpha (8-14 cycles per second). Most people only enter alpha just before or just as they are going to sleep. Most long-term meditators are primarily in alpha almost all the time.

The next level down is theta. The theta range is from 4-7 cycles per second. This is the range that many researchers (Jose Silva and others) associate with psychic skills. Remote viewing, remote influencing, healing, and other hidden mind skills typically occur at the theta level. Theta is also the level of dreaming during sleep.

The next level is delta. The delta range is from 0.5 to 3.5 cycles per second. This is the range associated with deep dreamless sleep and the rejuvenation of the body (human growth hormone, HGH, is released more commonly at this level than any other). It is also associated with the deepest levels of meditative experience: disappearance of the self, merging with the void, achieving Samadhi, etc.

So obviously, it is good to have these deeper brainwaves... and we all have them, but most of us only experience the deeper brainwaves during sleep. How do we consciously experience these deeper states, and how do we do this without years of training?

Brainwave entrainment is an excellent way to shorten your learning curve in meditation. Listening to these tracks will 'entrain' your brain into frequencies usually only experienced consciously by long term meditators. Entrainment actually increases the amount of brainwaves of a given frequency that you emit.

Brainwave CDs or MP3s are readily available and relatively inexpensive. Get a set that has alpha, theta, and delta tracks. Start out meditating with the alpha, and work your way down. It is useful to do one entrainment meditation daily while doing nothing else, and also to play the track once while you are working on day-to-day chores (dishes, laundry, going for a walk, etc.). Do not use them while driving!

When you add brainwave entrainment into your practice of meditation, you will dramatically increase the speed with which you access deeper states of consciousness!