Talk to God DirectlyTalk to God directly. If you want to talk to God, try to meet Him directly and you should not deploy another man to try for you. God is like father to us and we have got every right to meet God and tell him our difficulties, our problems and could seek from him the solution of all our problems. The people we hire for conducting prayers for us are not having any interest in our problems. They have got so many problems of their own and when they work on our wages, they are actually working for themselves and not for us. When they pray before God , they are not talking for us, but they are talking to God for the solution of their own problems and that is the reason most of the people who are engaging others are failing in their projects and their demands are not fulfilled. Then they are frustrated and they start disbelieving in the existence of God . If we pray directly to God and have an intimacy with him, only then He shall be listening to us and shall be helping us. The people who have come as middlemen are taken up this job as a profession, trade, calling and employment and they are actually earning money from this profession, trade, calling and they are turning rich. All deras, ashaarams and matths are established by these people and they are rich establishments. That is the reason, now bad smell is coming out from all these units and all types of crimes, sins and misconducts are committed in these institutions. If we continue to allow these middle persons to continue with their profession, trade, calling and employment, time is not far away when they shall eat us and we shall be no more on this earth.. So the best way of talking to God is talking to Him directly without any middleman. And this work should start from today. --------------------------------- |