Retirement is Faith Realized!

I have written many different blogs about being retired.  All of them are true, but I realize that meditation is the most meaningful for me!

Since I have been retired, I have spent time mediating on God’s goodness in my life!  I have been reading my bible, praying and just have fellowship with God more!

When I worked, it was a very difficult to do that, because I would rush to shower, get dressed, make my lunch, and then rush off to work.  I tried, sometimes, to pray in the mornings before leaving for work, but it’s not the same like it is now!

I still get up early in the morning, usually to get my husband off for work, but before going back to bed, I get on my knees and I pray.  Most times, it’s the same prayers, but I always thank God for hearing my prayers!

Life is a lot more calmer for me!  In the workforce, I was constantly, rushing, eating the wrong food, and being stressed out either by the co-workers, or the public (I had a job that dealt with the public everyday).  Now when things happen to me, that might appear to be a problem, I just turn it over to God, and I know that everything will be alright!  What it is, is that I have more Faith!

Working 30 years automatically require that you have some type of faith, which I did, and believe me, I prayed often about situations that didn’t look good for me!  But, being retired now, I look back on those situations and know that it was my faith and belief that got me through all of it, so now I guess I’m giving more thanks and praises on a continual basis.

I have to acknowledge God, because it wasn’t anything I did to get me to this place where I am now!  Through it all, I learned to trust in Jesus and I learned to trust in God!  Praise is what I do, each and everyday!