Chakra Guided Visualizations for Health

Chakra guided visualizations help you create a deep state of focus and trance in order to make connections between your mind, spirit and body. Each of the seven chakras represents a system of your body and you can guide your mind to heal these realms. The skins of visualization assist you as you create an inner world of peace and healing.

Mind-Body Dichotomy

Western thought has a tendency to make clear distinctions between the mind and the body. A person’s sense of spirit may be seen as something ethereal and beyond grasp. However, guiding visions help you recognize how closely connected your spirit is to your physical self. This is an important aspect of maintaining mental and physical health.

Your mind is a powerful realm that has a direct effect on your body. Meditation help can assist you as you create a visual connection that bridges the realms of your systems to your psyche. This helps you gain control of your experience, health and your mind.

Chakra Guided Visualizations

The focus of the visual exercises can involve shapes that are associated with various systems in your body. If you are feeling discomfort in your throat, for example, you would visualize the chakra that relates to that area of the body. This form of imagery helps you create a harmony between your mind and body.

Your physical self alerts your subconscious mind that something is amiss. If you have difficulty asserting yourself, this may manifest itself as problems in your throat. In order to heal this realm, you must go into the subconscious mind to open this realm. When you do this, you overcome your discomfort.

Energy Centers

Your body is filled with energy and you can tap into this resource using guided visualization. This process provides a path to your energetic realms, creating a flow of energy that produces healthy changes in your life. Energy force is a magnificent tool that can yield excellent results.

The ancient belief in the chakras has affected many people over the centuries. You can find a new perspective on your mind, body and spirit and their relationship with each other using this form of meditation. A few hours of meditative exercise each week can make a significant difference.

Hypnosis Recordings

Kathy Welter-Nichols is an astounding talent who has created a magnificent composition found here -- Chakra Guided Visualizations - that can guide you through the meditative process. Another excellent selection it by renowned hypnotherapist, Duncan McColl available here - Chakra Meditation Help - that offers guidance as you create your visual experience. Other helpful compositions are available here - Guided Visualizations