Enter the Silence

Many people ask what it is that they canDOabout the future. Do? Aha, therein is one of the problems. Life is not so much about DOING as it is BEING- being births doing . What our world needs more than anything else are a people who will sit and enter the silence where our true being can be discovered and unearthed.

TheSILENCEthat I am talking about is far different thanNO SOUND!

If I wanted absolutely no sound, I would find a sound proof studio or maybe travel over to San Marcus and sit in the Wonder Cave. Talk aboutQUIET!When we enter the true silence wecome nose to nose, as breathing with the Spirit-Consciousness. Life pouring back and forth in a rhythmic and vibrational melody that no words can describle. But, you can sureFEELit.   :-)

When you enter the silence you exit the egoic opinions and judgments.

The mind lays down andREST,the true rest that the Hebrews tried to find in a day, comes upon us. There's such a tranquility where no thought, aNo-Thing-Nesscomes upon and out of us simultaneously. It's that peace that passes all understanding. There's no room for fear or apprehensions, and answers to problems we didn't even know existed free-flow.

We're living in a world that needs a body of people who can lead us into such a place. We're coming into a era that the ancients have spoken and written that will test or very existence as a people. Be it2012or 2013, or maybe 2008, the challenge is coming. It's time for a people who know the reality and practicality ofmeditation and contemplation,and who realize thatACTIONcomes after we've enterd the silence.

Ready?  :-)