Astral Projection Made Easy With Our Recordings! and more...

We all know that Astral Projection is dependant on the brain and it takes years of dedicated practice to reach the mentality level to allow our inner body to separate from our physical body. Controlling the brain is one of the hardest obstacles that we face.

Now it no longer takes years to master Astral Projection! We stumbled upon the "secret key" to Astral Projection which is so powerful that many people are able to Fully Astral Project on their first try! Using our Astral Projection Tool, even the most stubborn mind can learn to Astral Project. No intense mind training, no herbal influence, and no frustration. Just Success!

Works Every Time Without Fail

No Extensive Practice Required

Vibrate On The Astral Frequencies

OBE Success Rate Dramatically Improved


Chakra Stimulation In A Fraction On The Time!

Works Every Time Without Fail

Easily Tunes and Stimulates Chakras

No Extensive Practice Required

Immediate Results Guaranteed

Chakra Stimulation is an ancient practice used by Yoga Practitioners and Meditation experts which heightens spiritual awareness.

Humans have a nerve network that is interconnected with the sensory organs which is responsible for interpreting the physical world. The Chakra's, or Energy Centers, acts as a "Pump" which directs energy throughout your system.

Our Chakra Stimulating Binaural Beats are specifically designed recordings that individually stimulate each of the seven Chakras. Each Chakra is stimulated by a different frequency range with predetermined base frequencies.

How Does It Work?
Sine wave generators were used to create two separate frequency waves which were introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacted by creating a third tone which  was the difference between the two. The brain instantly reacts to these frequencies causing a Shift In Consciousness.

Studies have concluded that each Chakra is stimulated by a different individual frequency. Our recordings focus on those frequencies and directly stimulate your Chakras with great success. Each Chakra frequency is unique and perfectly calibrated for optimum success. Now you can save years of intense practice and start opening your Chakras immediately!


Connect With The Spirit World With Harmonics!

Works Every Time Without Fail

No Extensive Practice Required

Altered State Of Consciousness Guaranteed

Feel The Effects In Minutes

Shamanism dates back more than 20,000 years where it was depicted on ancient cave walls, carved in boulders, and left for future generations to decode. Shamanism is not a religion on it's own, but rather a practice aimed towards interacting with the spiritual world. The most profound method Shamans used was to achieve an altered state of consciousness which allowed the inner body to travel to the spiritual world.

With practice, a Shaman could eventually develop the ability to maintain a connection with the spiritual world without the need to leave his own body. Like anything else, with enough practice, these spiritual contacts became second nature. Ancient methods of achieving the Shaman Conscious Level included Drums, Chants, and Dancing, Drugs or outside compounds, pain, lack of sleep, incense, sweat lodges, and other methods.

Now you can reach the Shaman mindset easily and quickly with our Shaman Consciousness Binaural Beat Recording!

How Does It Work?
Sine wave generators were used to create two separate frequency waves which were introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacted by creating a third tone which was the difference between the two. The brain instantly reacts to these frequencies causing a Shift In Consciousness.

Studies show that the Shaman Conscious level is within the Low Theta range just teetering above Delta. Theta is where dreams come into play along with astral travel, intuition, and spiritual awakening, and Delta is the Deep Sleep state.

Our Shaman Consciousness Binaural Beat is designed to bring your mind directly to the Low Theta state without the need for any practice or other influences.


ESP And Psychic Skills Enhanced Instantly!

Works Every Time Without Fail

No Extensive Practice Required

Feel The Effects In Minutes

ESP Success Rate Dramatically Improved

Extra Sensory Projection (ESP) is defined as the ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent from any known physical senses or deduction from previous experiences. It is sometimes referred to as the "Sixth Sense".

ESP is a broad term and can relate to Many Paranormal Abilities. Some of which are Clairvoyancy, Remote Viewing, Mediumship, Psychic Powers, channeling, and more. ESP is widely accepted as fact. Police, Detectives, and Government Agencies world wide have utilized services of "Psychics" to solve crimes.


Heighten Your Evolutionary Development Easily!

No Extensive Practice Required

Reach The Upper Beta Frequencies

Higher Consciousness Reached Quickly and Easily

Fully Guaranteed

Christ Consciousness is an expression used in various spiritual traditions to denote the consciousness of a human being who has reached a higher level of evolutionary development and who has come to know reality as it is. Evolution in this sense is not that which occurs by natural selection over generations of human reproduction but evolution brought about by the application of spiritual knowledge to the conduct of human life.

Through the application of such knowledge (traditionally the preserve of the world's great religions) to practical self-management, the awakening and development of faculties dormant in the ordinary human being is achieved. These faculties are aroused by and developed in conjunction with certain dispositions of character such as patience, kindness, truthfulness, humility and forgiveness towards one's fellow man ? qualities without which higher consciousness is not possible.

Now you can condition your mind and reach a Higher Conscious State easily and quickly. Our Christ Consciousness Binaural Beat is tuned to an exact Upper Beta Frequency that brings you into a state of harmony. Spiritual knowledge and Higher learning can be achieved within this state.


Improve Your Health With Binaural Beats!

No Extensive Practice Required

Promotes Good Health and Healing

Feel The Effects In Minutes

Your health is dependant on many factors. Good nutrition, daily exercise, and hygiene are all important factors. Medical practices mainly focus on the above parameters, but most are excluding the most important factor above all. The Human Mind.

The human brain is responsible for sending signals to muscles and organs which keeps everything functioning correctly. From dispersing white blood cells to healing broken bones, your brain is in-charge of the entire operation.

We have a selection of three binaural beats that directly stimulate the brain to promote good health. Studies have shown that certain frequencies within the Delta and Low Theta states do in fact help the body repair itself.

How Does It Work?
Sine wave generators were used to create two separate frequency waves which were introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacted by creating a third tone which was the difference between the two. This allowed the brain to directly tune into a frequency that the ear can not hear!

Using this technology, the natural rejuvenation frequencies the brain utilizes during sleep can be reproduced with perfect accuracy!

Have you ever tossed and turned all night and failed to reach a deep sleep? Even though you laid there and rested all night, it just wasn't enough rest to replenish your energy. When this happens, you wake up feeling horrible. The brain needs to reach the Delta State in order for the repair process to occur. When your mind is racing and you don't sleep deep, the brain never reaches the "Healing State".

Our Health Binaural Beat Recordings focus on selected frequencies that the brain uses to heal. These recordings mimic the natural frequencies that restore your energy and help your body's health! You don't have to be in a full sleep to reach these healing frequencies, but usually the body and brain only resonate on these frequencies during sleep. Now you can induce Good Health Frequencies any time you want by putting on your headphones and relaxing to the soothing sounds.


Increase Endorphin Levels Within Minutes!

Promotes Endorphin release

No Extensive Practice Required

Full Money Back guarantee

Have you ever been in pain, but you were so pumped up or excited that you didn't even notice it? Have you ever been playing a sport and your pain disappeared during the game? Well you just experienced a release of endorphins from your brain.

Endorphins are natural pain killing compounds the brain produces naturally. Endorphins are released from many means such as exercise, electro-acupuncture, steroids, and opiates. Beta-endorphin is released into the blood (from the pituitary gland) and into the spinal cord and brain from hypothalamic neurons.

Publicized effect of endorphin production is the so-called "runner's high", which is said to occur when strenuous exercise takes a person over a threshold that activates endorphin production. Endorphins are released during long, continuous workouts, when the level of intensity is between moderate and high, and breathing is difficult.

With our Binaural Recording, you can utilize the brains power to release endorphins whenever you wish.

How Does It Work?
Sine wave generators were used to create two separate frequency waves which were introduced to each ear independently. The brain reacted by creating a third tone which  was the difference between the two. This allowed the brain to directly tune into a frequency that effects different aspects of the brain.

Studies have shown Endorphin Release can be achieved from the use of Binaural Beats which broadcast the High Beta Frequencies. During a Scientific study, eight patients were blood tested before and after a Binaural Beat session, and the results showed 10-50% improvement of Beta-Endorphin levels.

Our Endorphin Release Binaural Beat Recording uses a distinct and exact High Beta Frequency that shows great success in raising Endorphin levels.
