Binaural Beat Meditation - Experience Significantly Heightened Awareness Using Binaural Beats

Binaural Beat meditation will offer anyone the knowledge of complete relaxation and significantly heightened levels of creativity and awareness. It won’t matter if you are searching for a way to free yourself from stress and anxiety or looking for techniques to improve your current existing meditational experiences; binaural beat meditation will offer you an opportunity to change and improve your life forever.

Binaural beats occur when two sounds of different frequencies are heard individually by each ear at the same time; preferably by using a set of stereo headphones. The mind will react to this with a change in the sub cortical auditory system which in turn causes a great change in the levels of relaxation of the individual. In normal laymen’s terms that everyone can understand; different sounds have different effects on various parts of our bodies. Binaural beats utilize this technology to help create increased levels of peace and relaxation.

I must also say, binaural beat meditation is not some brand new “rage”, nor is it some” New Age” theory with no basis in facts. Binaural beats were discovered over a hundred years ago and their effects are well and scientifically documented. Researchers have, by using accepted scientific methods, repeatedly shown that binaural beats can and will cause a distinct, positive and beneficial response in our body chemistry.

Some of the exceedingly positive and beneficial responses that have been noted by people experiencing binaural beat meditation include but are not limited to:

1. Greatly increased awareness

2. Much greater creativity

3. A deep sense of relaxation

4. An increase in psychic abilities

5. Greatly accelerated learning

6. Some out of body experiences

7. Having lucid dreams

8. Much greatly improved sleep

Binaural beat meditation has several differences to many of the older methods of relaxation therapy. You know, all that is really needed is any comfortable location, some stereo headphones and either a CD or MP3 player. When you are listening to binaural beats it is imperative that stereo headphones are used, the different frequencies must be delivered separately to each individual ear for them to work properly. If the binaural beat meditation recordings are played over regular stereo speakers the special effects of the various frequencies will unfortunately be improperly mixed and the effects will be lost.

The binaural beat meditation sounds are made from two binaural sounds at different frequencies recorded on two separate track s which are then overlaid by tracks of gentle relaxing music or other relaxing sounds. The next step is to simply relax and listen to the music with your eyes closed, then within a few minutes; the beats will start some subtle changes in the body chemistry that will enable deep and complete meditation and extreme relaxation. You will never to need to get into the exacting positions required by yoga or use any of the other exercises or stretches required by traditional meditation techniques.

Binaural beats are a splendid resource for anyone who is looking for an easy method to reduce stress and anxiety in their lives or even for someone that knows how to meditate but are seeking to intensify their meditational experiences. Binaural beat meditation is an exciting alternative method to achieve inner calm and total relaxation. The easiest way to find out if binaural beats can have a positive effect on your life is to listen to a free binaural beat download and decide for yourself.