Menopause- a Significant Pause

The term menopause refers to the permanent cessation of the monthly menstrual cycles in women. It is a physiological stage some where during the mid-life of a woman which witnesses termination of her entire reproductive functioning. The shutting off of the monthly cycle is the meaningful indicator of the ovaries having gone dysfunctional and that they will no longer produce eggs referred to as oocytes from then on. This simply means no more hassles associated with monthly periods and pregnancy any more. Mammalian ovaries are endocrine glands which under the influence of the Releasing Hormones (RH) of the hypothalamus produces significant female hormones namely the progesterone, estrogen and small amounts of androgens. Hormones are the elixer to well being and vitality in woman besides of course her capability to become a mother. With passing years the normal role of the ovaries undergo a state of disarray, and soon disorderliness sets in causing these hormones to initially fluctuate, then gradually diminish and finally disappear. With this withdrawal the ovaries that work on the support system provided by the hormones now shrink and wither away. Interestingly the transplantation of healthy ovarian tissues onto the failed one leads to the restoration of fertility as well.

Much research is on going in this direction to ease women of the side effects concurring with the significant physiological changes in her that cause paramount impact on the physical, emotional and mental impact on her bearing. Hot flushes, insomnia, depression, osteoporosis, and mood swings are some of the symptoms associated with disarrayed hormonal fluctuations. These abruptions are also the causative agents’ of physical changes like vaginal atrophy, dryness of vagina, loss of interest in sex, thinning and falling hair of head hair. It is compounded by much facial hair, creasing of the skin and makes women more vulnerable to heart diseases and high blood pressure. Estrogen is known to have proactive role in protection against high blood pressure as well as osteoporosis. Lower estrogen causes increased sensitivity to salt intake, lower bone mass and weight gain.

• Infusing the woman a few years before her menopause called the perimenopausal stage which lies between the ages of 45-50 years with melatonin has done much help in eliminating many of the symptoms associated with menopause whilst restoring fertility. This is because melatonin has much role in helping regulate the thyroid gland and streamlining the functioning of the gonadotropins.

• Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) of the insufficient estrogen, progesterone and androgens in the right proportion under the supervision of a capable medical practitioner has known to provide some relief. This is sold in the market under the prescriptions of Premarin (the conjugated estrogen prepared by conjugating the estrogen hormone with sulfate). Provera and Premarin (make the progestin). However the Premarin based HRT showed many side effect of the fatal nature and was therefore discontinued by many.

• Another hormone product marketed as Estrace is similar to the naturally produced estrogen. It is more appropriately akin to estradiol, the precursor to the estrogen produced in the healthy female body and has shown to produce lesser side effects than the conjugated equinine estrogens used previously in the HRT.

• Currently Estroven, the soy based phytoestrogen is more bioidentical with estrogen and much friendly to the physiology of woman.

• Neurontin has also much role to play in relief from hot flushes and depression.

• Furthermore non-hormonal treatments are found to be more effective in treating symptoms associated with menopause such as acupressure, medication exercises as yoga etc.

It helps to remember that menopause is yet another stage in a woman’s life. Awareness to be able to cope up with this change in the stage of life comes in multiple forms. The best way to do so is by way of in taking right nutrition.

• Take foods rich in calcium, iron and dietary fiber. Green leafy and colored veggies, fruits, dairy products, nuts, meat, fish and whole grains go a long way in supplementing the hormonal deficiency. Studies have indicated towards the presence of isoflavones in whole grains and leguminous greens especially the beans to be effective in relieving symptoms associated with menopause.

• Reduce intake of foods heavily laden with fats especially of the saturated types found in butter, organ meats, spicy and fried foods, cheese, ice cream, whole milk, cakes and pastries.

• Limit the intake of alcohol, caffeine, salt and sugar. Take lots of water to flush out metabolic toxins and prevent them from accumulating in the body.

• Walk in fresh air, increased physical activity, keeping your self busy in a moderately active social life. Bask your body in adequate sunlight especially of the morning hours to supplement your body with natural Vitamin D. The latter helps in strengthening bones by way of facilitating calcium absorption in the body.

Due to career constraints or late marriage, conception has become relatively late for many a woman. Some woman would also be interested to know if they can conceive after their periods have stopped. The answer to this is ‘Yes’ provided it is before 1 year that they have not had their periods in a row. The interested women can seek the assistance of a gynecologist in this regard.