The Sorce channels The Combine Art of Astro Travel

My name is Queen Tiye I inherited the ability to write in my sleep since the early part of 2006, this ability as slowly but surely become part of my routine life style, which fits perfectly within my every day life.

As it happens, while I am in an unconscious sleep state I awake to News Views, Predictions foreign languages and pure information from the source communicated through my vessel, to this dimension the earth.

In this post I want to give you the purest information from the source on The Combine Art of Astro Travel.

In the writings Astro Travel is known has Astro Transcending Proggestrotation. (ATP).

ATP is the spirit within the physical body that separated the physical vessel, when separated it can travels outside the earth’s dimension connected through the Koralatal, the Golden Cord.

This natural process began initially when the spec of consciousness separated from the source using the Koralatal to enter the womb, which is the spec of consciousness that travels through dimensions to begin life on earth.

The writing says:

Oh ye believers of faith and non-believers of little. Upon you I have bestowed the power to travel within all times within all dimensions. Enjoy the abundance of life and fulfillment within. Engage your beings to your inner consciousness and return to your label less destinations before your time within the dimension of earth.

I say unto you emerge in the inner awakening spirit and travel with the golden cord Koralatal and open your inner eye to your true existence.  I tell you familiarize and identify while you travel Astro transcending proggestrotation here your true inner consciousness of self will ignite and awaken the bruentrones that will return you to that spec of consciousness within you, before the earth embraced you.

Behold balance your fueelt. Tiye teach, for I gave unto you u the true knowledge of earth. The words of I is a seal to the earth, I am label less yet it’s unknown to the earth. Ye who rejects the wisdom of there existence rejects the spirit to return to its existence hear my word, for I who is all, will remain all within all that is, I

The Unseen.

This experience can be entered into in many ways, each way is refer to as a stage, they are sixteen stages, each stage of travel is knowledge, knowledge breads wisdom, which gives you Wisdom Beyond Beings.

In this post we will concentrate on stage one of the astro travel (ATP) from ground level, this travel is carried out by everyone on earth some not realizing it.

First we have to comprehend that the earth is within another dimension yet within the dimension of earth.

The people on earth are in a combine state of illusion hence why the ground level focus of other dimensions cannot be seen with the natural eye.

Visualize this scenario, close your eyes and imagine the creator of man is on the highest step of a ladder all the earth beings wants to reach that force.  However before you can climb the first step you must understand the knowledge handed down from the source, the knowledge is in ten parts and the steps are ten, only they who understand the knowledge will climb the steps, the rest will be forever trying their hardest to complete the task.

Keep visualizing the source is now transcending in the distant leaving you gasping to follow behind, you are trying to get the task complete to enable you to transcend, now its late the source is gone, your level is different from he/she who transcended with the source, you are all now at different levels trying your hardest to reach your highest potential.  Open your eyes, and understand this is like the different stages in schools colleges or universities.

This brings us back to Astro Travel (ATP) there are different dimensions and each stage has its own challenge.

To enable one to reach the summit you must complete the required knowledge to achieve success.

The required knowledge in stage one is to travel in slow mode outside the dimension of earth, yet within the dimension you are already in. This will allow the beginning of your slow awakening from your internal state of illusion through your inner eye.

To bring you into that mode you must understand the basic art of meditation. Understanding the basics of meditation will take you into fueelt.

Fueelt is known as the balance between the spirit and the Physical body. It’s like synchronizing two points to become one; another example is reaching the biting point in a vehicle using the accelerator and the clutch.

The basic art of combine meditation consist of various aspects, before you embark on your journey. This journey can enable one who meditates to find the journey at the end rejuvenating.

The beginning of combine meditation is planning why, when, where and how is the key words to begin. Let’s begin.

First we must detox. Why do I need to detox? To remove toxins or impurities from your being to sharpen the mind and be more focus; to repairs the body and gain rejuvenation and gain more energy is just a few.

When do I need to Meditate? Meditation should be a part of your daily routine. You should meditate every day. It the discipline of your mental self, it’s the art of relaxation. Meditation can lower blood pressure, and cure various ailments within your being,

Where should I meditate? You should meditate in a quiet place; the place should be peaceful and comfortable.

How do I meditate? You begin your meditation after applying the basic steps above. The basic steps is done without imagining, make sure you are not tense and no tension is visible, your clothing should be very loose and comfortable, to master the art you have to begin diminishing the inner thoughts to the thoughts of nothingness, doubting is a hindrances to your being.

Realization of oneself is the road to your achievement.

It’s not necessary to sit with your back erected at this early stage; your eyes can be open or closed, however closed is preferred.  Comfort and control of your breathing from inhale to exhale is essential. Now focus on nothing but the sound of your breath and breath. Inhale Exhale.

Without breathing the true essence of existence on earth is breath, Chi life force. Breathing is like a metabolic regulator as it increases oxygen flows to the brain. On another post I will explain the true meaning of Chi and how it can help your life force.

Once you have comprehended all the information above you are now ready to begin your basic step to combine meditation.

Drift in the true essence of your being, for the road to true enlightening stands before you. When you have mastered these steps we will take you outside the ground level of Astro Transcending Proggestrotation.