Step by step guide to meditation

The following step by step guide for performing meditation looks to serve a range of people and practitioners of the art. These are generic steps and are meant just for reference.

  • Sit comfortable and don’t slouch. Keep your spine straight; it is very important.
  • You do not need to tightly shut your eyes. Let your eyelids drop to the level where you feel comfortable.
  • Do not try to focus on anything initially. Just let your eyes gaze in a downward direction and let them rest.
  • Keep gazing; remember that the gazing is your primary focus and not the area or object that you are gazing at. Your breathing will slowly become more rhythmic.
  • Now let go. Don’t force your body to do anything. If your eyes droop, let them close. If your attention drifts, it is not a big problem. It’s only if you feel you have come out of the relaxed place should you bring your attention back to your relaxed downward gaze.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation has the following benefits. This is by no means a comprehensive list and just mentions meditation in reference to relaxation.

  • Relaxation & stress reduction
  • Can be used for an effective 2 minute relax & recharge break
  • Increased alertness

You can use any type of soothing music to accompany your foray into meditation. There are a number of albums available in the market today that you can use. Meditation Music has always played a major role in the relaxation of the human mind and body. The correct type of soothing music will make sure that you have a complete meditation experience and will also guide you through the steps of meditation. Inner Splendor Media, a New York based company specialises in providing music albums for meditation, yoga and also deep sleep. If you want more information on these albums and have a look at them, please drop by at .