Me and My Lord Diaries

First week: Dealing with difficult people.

I face the week ahead with positivism!

I will finish backlogs that have become stressful because of low motivation. But now, these unfinished tasks have become a necessity for the week's nourishment.

Dear Lord, it is difficult working with difficult people, but I will try my best to ignore unwarranted complaceny that I see in them. And honestly, I am at a loss to find means to motivate them becaues I am the last person they would like to please. And then again, it becomes more difficult for me to cope each day without their cooperation.

Oh Lord, I sincerely pray that I can resolve our family's financial problems: checks to pay-off, and more debts to resolve. I feel so ashamed of myself to always ran to family and friends to get us through each day. I know we are blessed, and yet we are always running short of our financial needs. Please Lord, enlighten us. Shake up these difficult people to realize that material needs are just there in passing. Give them a sense of family responsibility more than self-ambition and pride. In the same way, mould me too to have deeper understanding and unwavering faith and hope to move on despite the negativisim around me.

Aftermath: The week paid off. Thank you Lord!

Second week: Papa's loss.

Papa's loss has been enervating, and to this point I still haven't realized its meaning in my life.

I have always prayed that he will come to me in a dream and tell me what he thinks of me and what he wanted me to become. I feel left-out without a "last-breathe" message from him.

Oh Lord I pray that I maybe able to reconcile with him in a vision that would turn my life around.

(A big butterfly just touched my shoulder!)