My Mantra

Amantrais a sacred sound or phrase, such as om, hum, or another phrase that has a transformative effect. But a mantra isn't limited to certain words or sounds, not must it take such an esoteric meaning such as is found in mainstream Vedic practices and most Buddhist techniques and classical Hinduism where a mantra is viewed as a necessity for spiritual advancement and high attainment.

As we move closer to2012a higher consciousness will be needful and that must happen as a result of blocking out the killer conmversations that we have throughout the day that bring limitation to our life. I've used various mantras that help but they seem to get blocked easier as the mind figures out how to by-pass them. Ham-sa, I am, He is, and Yah-weh have worked for a season, but alas the mind is cunning above all.

Meditation and contemplation of recent has been the result ofBEINGwhere it is that I want toBE.

That's hard to explain but I liken it to role playing, story telling, and or sensual dreaming by which I mean using the five senses to visit a state of consciousness or an event that's to happen. When I pour myself into that which I am not, but want to be, I crowd out all those negative thoughts.

But one of the most common means of mdeitating for me has beenMUSIC!

Some people knock out all the negativity by walking, jogging (I used to do that), dancing, yoga, or other activities. I can get lost in instrumental music so easily. Thoughts of failure fall off when my toe starts tapping and my fingers start dancing or pretending to play some musical instrument. Childs play! Come unto me as a child, it's been said.

Do you do that?

HOW do you do that?