
Renunciation - What is it? What does this word mean? What is the greatness of this word, when it means we have to loose some thing for the sake of others. What is the greatness in leaving or loosing some thing that we want or that we desire! What is the greatness of this word, when it means that we should not have desires or aspirations. What is the greatness of this word which means that we should live without emotions or temperaments or possessions.

My dear friend! The word Renunciation is really a great word. That word is absolutely great, That word is absolute reality and which leads to reality. I know how great it is and how sweet it is, I know how powerful it is and how happy it is, I know how tranquil it is and how satisfactory it is. Believe me, Renunciation is the only medicine which removes mind, it is the only antidote for ignorance, it is the only way to liberation, it is the only path to your destination.

From the ancient ages great many Seers, Yogis, Sanyasins appraised it, followed it and preached it. No one on this holy earth reached their destination with out following renunciation, never before and never after.

If you want bliss you need to follow and practice renunciation. Renunciation is not sorrowful my dear, it is blissful and sweet full! Your ignorance shows it as sorrowful. Your ignorance is showing it as a serpent, your desires are showing it as impossible and unwise! Try to calm down all those enemies then, bravely follow the path of RENUNCIATION.